Course Announcements


1. Solutions for the written problems and comments on the design of the codes for Program 1 have been posted.

2. Codes for Program 1 have been posted. A simpler driver for testing the compressed storage and banded lower triangular matrix vector multiplication will be posted.

3. The solutions for Study Questions Set 2 have been posted.


1. Study Question Set 2 has been posted.


Codes for lower and upper triangular systems have been posted on the Homework page. These are for your reference and will be useful for the LU factorization programming assignment soon to be made.

A minor typo in Set 3 has been fixed.

Set 4 has been modified in the discussion of Gaussian elimination and the transformation-based view. We discussed part of this on Monday and these modifications clarify significantly some of the slides. We will go over it again on Wednesday, i.e., today.


1. Some clarifying material and new code has been added to Set 3. Some minor typos have been fixed.

2. Set 4 of the class notes has been posted. It is strongly recommended that you read ahead in this set in preparation for the associated lectures.


1. Written Problems and Program Set 1 have been posted.


1. Solutions for Study Question Set 1 have been posted.


1. Some examples of matrix multiplication have been added to Set 2 and it has been reposted.

2. A list of some reference textbooks has been reposted.


1. Study Questions Set 1 has been posted.


1. The class syllabus has been posted.

2. Sets 1, 2 and 3 have been posted.

3. A description of the format for submitting program solutions has been posted.

4. Example program solutions have been posted.