Instructor: Christopher Stover (webpage) | |
Email: cstover (at) math (dot) fsu (dot) edu | |
Office: MCH 402-F | |
Office Hours: | |
Tuesdays & Thursdays ‐ 12:00pm to 1:30pm; | |
or by apponitment (!!!) | |
Meeting Location: 101 LOV | |
Meeting Times: | |
Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays ‐ 12:30pm to 1:30pm | |
Syllabus: .pdf | |
Required Text: | |
Elementary Differential Equations, 10th Edition, by William E. Boyce and Richard C. DiPrima. (Amazon) | |
Supplementary Texts: | |
Geometrical Methods in the Theory of Ordinary Differential Equations, 2nd Edition, by V.I. Arnol'd. (Amazon) | |
Differential Equations: A Dynamical Systems Approach: Ordinary Differential Equations, by John H. Hubbard and Beverly H. West. (Amazon) | |
Ordinary Differential Equations, 3rd Edition, by V.I. Arnol'd. (Amazon) |
Supplementary Resources:
Grader: Ryan Vinson (webpage) |
Email: rvinson (at) math (dot) fsu (dot) edu |
Office: MCH 404/6-A |
Office Hours: TBA |
Below is a calendar highlighting the important dates for our class this semester. To access it from a web browser and/or to import it into your personal apps, use the HTML and/or iCal link(s): HTML Link – iCal Link |
Homework Policy: Show
Note: Due to the size of this class, failure to follow these instructions will be a tremendous hassle to the grader/myself; as such, you will be penalized for failing to follow these directions!
Homework 4: Handout Solutions: with short #3 longer #3
Corrections: ○ 3(b): In the longer solutions, I inexplicably swap from $\mathcal{L}\{y\}\left(s^2+4\right)$ to $\mathcal{L}\{y\}\left(s^2+1\right)$ when talking about $\mathcal{L}\{\text{LHS}\}$. Don't do that! ○ 3(c): $\mathcal{L}\{y''-5y'+6y\}=\mathcal{L}\{y\}\left(s^2-5s+6\right)+5y(0)-sy(0)-y'(0)$, so this should simplify to $\mathcal{L}\{y\}\left(s^2-5s+6\right)+4-s''$ instead of $``\dots-6-s''$. |
Homework 3: Handout Solutions |
Homework 2: Handout Solutions |
Homework 1: Handout Solutions: with incorrect #5 fixed #5
Corrections/Notes: ○ Correction: There was a typo in the #introductions URL on the Slack question. I've since fixed/re-uploaded, but that typo persists on the printed-out copies I gave in class. ○ Note: Here's a computer rendering of the "correct" integral curves given the slope field in number 3: |
Quiz 3: Handout Solutions |
Quiz 2: Handout Solutions True/False Explanations |
Quiz 1: Handout Solutions
Correction: On number 4, the inequality $2-3/x\geq 0$ has a "$\geq$" instead of a "$>$", and so the solution should have a square bracket instead of a parens: $\left[\frac{3}{2},\infty\right)$ instead of $\left(\frac{3}{2},\infty\right)$. |
Exam 3: Handout Solutions |
Exam 2: Handout Solutions |
Exam 1: Handout Solutions |
Exam 4 Preview: .pdf Solutions: #1 #2 #3a #3(b,c)
Corrections: ○ 3(a): I incorrectly stated that $\text{RC}(Q/P)=\infty=\text{RC}(R/P)$; in reality, $\text{RC}(Q/P)=1=\text{RC}(R/P)$. This same dumbness may persist. |
Power Series/Ratio Test Example: .pdf |
Series Review: Series Tests Testing for Convergence (step-by-step) |
Laplace Table: .pdf |
Exam 2 Preview: .pdf Answers |
Exam 1 Preview: Questions Answers Partial Fractions Work |
Autonomous ODE & Solution Sketching: .pdf |
Proof Outline for $m(x)$ Formula: .pdf |
"Complete" Review: .pdf |
Integral Reviews: basics (up to $u$-sub) trig sub trig integrals |
My Schedule: .pdf |
Section 5.3: Notes |
Problems: (5-9, 11-14, 16-21)(!!!); (all the other problems)opt |
Section 5.2: Notes |
Problems: (1-14, 15-18 [only part (a) for each], 20-22)(!!!); (19, 23-28)opt |
Section 5.1: Notes |
Problems: (1-28)(!!!) Note: These problems are intended to be series review, so doing them will help you get over any hurdles you may have regarding series! |
Section 6.2: Notes Laplace Table see Links, etc. tab for extended version |
Problems: (1-16, 20-27)(!!!); (28-39)* |
Section 6.1: Notes |
Problems: (1-24)(!!!); (25-31)* |
Section 3.6: Notes |
Problems: (1-20)(!!!); (21-28)* |
Section 3.5: Notes Part 2 |
Problems: (1-20, 21-28 [only part (a) for each], 29)(!!!); (30-39)* |
Section 3.2: Notes Part 2 |
Problems: (1-12, 24-28)(!!!); (13-21, 29-51)* |
Section 3.4: Notes |
Problems: (1-18)(!!!); (23-30)opt; (19-22 |
Section 3.3: Notes |
Problems: (7-22)(!!!); 23-28; (29-31)opt; (32-46)* |
Section 3.1: Notes |
Problems: (1-20)(!!!); (22-28)* |
Section 2.8: Notes |
Problems: Section 2.4: (7-12)(!!!); (22-26)* |
Section 2.6: Notes |
Problems: (1-16, 18, 25-30)(!!!); (17, 23-24, 31-32)* |
Section 2.5: Notes |
Problems: (1-13)(!!!); (14-28)* |
Section 2.4: Notes |
Problems: (1-6, 13-16)(!!!); (17-31)*; (32-33)opt |
Section 2.1: Notes |
Problems: (1-12 [only part (c) for each], 13-26)(!!!); (27-37)*; (38-41)opt |
Section 2.2: Notes |
Problems: (1-8)(!!!); 9-20; (21-28)*; (29-30)opt |
Section 2.0 (Before-Textbook Intro): Notes |
* = hard problems | |
(!!!) = extremely important | |
opt = optional |
Extended Laplace Table: .pdf |
Partial Fraction Things: Videos: 1 2 3 Practice |
Software to help visualize slope fields/integral curves: DFIELD (you don't need (and won't benefit from!) PPLANE!) |
An alternative to the current textbook, since some of you have asked/complained: Zill |
Why $dy/dx$ is kinda sorta a fraction but not really: 1 (!!!) 2 3 4 5 6
And similar stuff about differentials $dx$, $dy$, etc.: 1 2 3 4 ...and other related things about $d/dx(y)$ and $dy/dx$ about how $dy/dx(dx)=dy$ and...: 1 2 3 |
Think I'm doing a good job? Nominate me for a thing!
Note: They ask for some data, but it's not too long overall. Note: I'm in the College of Arts & Sciences, Math Department, and you can use my FSU email ( Note 2: This thing is probably expired; I'll post the new one as soon as it's up! |