Ordinary Differential Equations (MAP 2302) — Summer 2017

Instructor: Christopher Stover (webpage)
Email: cstover (at) math (dot) fsu (dot) edu
Office: MCH 402-F
Office Hours:
Tuesdays & Thursdays ‐ 12:00pm to 1:30pm;
or by apponitment (!!!)
Meeting Location: 101 LOV
Meeting Times:
Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays ‐ 12:30pm to 1:30pm
Syllabus: .pdf
Required Text:
Elementary Differential Equations, 10th Edition, by William E. Boyce and Richard C. DiPrima. (Amazon)
Supplementary Texts:
Geometrical Methods in the Theory of Ordinary Differential Equations, 2nd Edition, by V.I. Arnol'd. (Amazon)
Differential Equations: A Dynamical Systems Approach: Ordinary Differential Equations, by John H. Hubbard and Beverly H. West. (Amazon)
Ordinary Differential Equations, 3rd Edition, by V.I. Arnol'd. (Amazon)
Supplementary Resources:
  • Slack Show Details

    Slack is an organization-centered chat tool that allows largescale collaboration, discussion, and interaction. Think of it as a chat room on steroids!

    While I'll always be available (unless otherwise noted) during office hours and via email, Slack will allow evveryone the opportunity to chat with me + other classmates, both in real-time and asynchronously. It's an extremely valuable resource!

    Slack can be used directly from any Internet browser. Our class's room info is:

    To get started, you should:

    1. Navigate to the signup page
    2. Enter your
      email address; make sure you're able to check the email address you enter or else you'll miss any confirmation emails, etc.
    3. When you choose a username, please choose one that I'll be able to recognize! Sometimes, assignments include (graded)
      components, and you probably don't want to miss out on a grade because I don't recognize you as duckface_brah_doo_1993_lululz or something similar!
    4. Feel free to email me at any time if you have trouble signing up.

    Note: Slack can be used directly from any Internet browser with no installation needed. However, you can also install it on any computer, phone, tablet, etc., so that you have access to our course chat at all times. For more information about installing Slack, see: https://slack.com/downloads.

  • Blackboard Show Details

    I'll make use of Blackboard for announcements, sharing of documents, and gradebook maintenance. My goal is to keep this webpage synced up with all of that data except the gradebook, however, so by and large, you likely won't need to check both this site and the Blackboard page.

    As of now, you should all be added to the Blackboard site automatically. If you're not sure how to find it, you should:

    1. Navigate to MyFSU.
    2. Sign in with your FSU username and password.
    3. Click on the BlackBoard icon in the left column.
    4. Locate course number
      under FSU Class Schedule.

Because of its size, this class will have a grader. Grader information is below.
Grader: Ryan Vinson (webpage)
Email: rvinson (at) math (dot) fsu (dot) edu
Office: MCH 404/6-A
Office Hours: TBA
Below is a calendar highlighting the important dates for our class this semester. To access it from a web browser and/or to import it into your personal apps, use the HTML and/or iCal link(s):   HTML Link   –   iCal Link

Homework Policy:   Show

  1. I'll bring printed copies of the homework to class;
  2. you should show all work for every solution you carry out, and this work should go on separate paper (not on the handout itself!);
  3. you should put only your final answers on the handout itself;
  4. your scrap paper should be stapled to the handout itself, and if it has any "spiral notebook frills" (the little pieces of paper hanging off when you tear it out from a spiral-bound notebook), you should remove those before turning it in!

Note: Due to the size of this class, failure to follow these instructions will be a tremendous hassle to the grader/myself; as such, you will be penalized for failing to follow these directions!

Homework 4: Handout   Solutions: with short #3   longer #3


○ 3(b): In the longer solutions, I inexplicably swap from $\mathcal{L}\{y\}\left(s^2+4\right)$ to $\mathcal{L}\{y\}\left(s^2+1\right)$ when talking about $\mathcal{L}\{\text{LHS}\}$. Don't do that!

○ 3(c): $\mathcal{L}\{y''-5y'+6y\}=\mathcal{L}\{y\}\left(s^2-5s+6\right)+5y(0)-sy(0)-y'(0)$, so this should simplify to $\mathcal{L}\{y\}\left(s^2-5s+6\right)+4-s''$ instead of $``\dots-6-s''$.

Homework 3: Handout   Solutions
Homework 2: Handout   Solutions
Homework 1: Handout   Solutions: with incorrect #5   fixed #5


○ Correction: There was a typo in the #introductions URL on the Slack question. I've since fixed/re-uploaded, but that typo persists on the printed-out copies I gave in class.

○ Note: Here's a computer rendering of the "correct" integral curves given the slope field in number 3:

Quiz 3: Handout   Solutions
Quiz 2: Handout   Solutions   True/False Explanations
Quiz 1: Handout   Solutions

Correction: On number 4, the inequality $2-3/x\geq 0$ has a "$\geq$" instead of a "$>$", and so the solution should have a square bracket instead of a parens: $\left[\frac{3}{2},\infty\right)$ instead of $\left(\frac{3}{2},\infty\right)$.

Exam 3: Handout   Solutions
Exam 2: Handout   Solutions
Exam 1: Handout   Solutions
Chapter 5 Stuff:
Exam 4 Preview: .pdf   Solutions: #1   #2   #3a   #3(b,c)


○ 3(a): I incorrectly stated that $\text{RC}(Q/P)=\infty=\text{RC}(R/P)$; in reality, $\text{RC}(Q/P)=1=\text{RC}(R/P)$. This same dumbness may persist.

Power Series/Ratio Test Example: .pdf
Series Review: Series Tests   Testing for Convergence (step-by-step)
Chapter 6 Stuff:
Laplace Table: .pdf
Chapter 3 Stuff:
Exam 2 Preview: .pdf   Answers
Chapter 2 Stuff:
Exam 1 Preview: Questions   Answers   Partial Fractions Work
Autonomous ODE & Solution Sketching: .pdf
Proof Outline for $m(x)$ Formula: .pdf
Calculus Review:
"Complete" Review: .pdf
Integral Reviews: basics (up to $u$-sub)   trig sub   trig integrals
Miscellaneous Handouts:
My Schedule: .pdf
Chapter 5 Hide
Section 5.3: Notes
Problems: (5-9, 11-14, 16-21)(!!!); (all the other problems)opt
Section 5.2: Notes
Problems: (1-14, 15-18 [only part (a) for each], 20-22)(!!!); (19, 23-28)opt
Section 5.1: Notes
Problems: (1-28)(!!!)   Note: These problems are intended to be series review, so doing them will help you get over any hurdles you may have regarding series!
Chapter 6 Hide
Section 6.2: Notes   Laplace Table   see Links, etc. tab for extended version
Problems: (1-16, 20-27)(!!!); (28-39)*
Section 6.1: Notes
Problems: (1-24)(!!!); (25-31)*
Chapter 3 Show
Section 3.6: Notes
Problems: (1-20)(!!!); (21-28)*
Section 3.5: Notes   Part 2
Problems: (1-20, 21-28 [only part (a) for each], 29)(!!!); (30-39)*
Section 3.2: Notes   Part 2
Problems: (1-12, 24-28)(!!!); (13-21, 29-51)*
Section 3.4: Notes
Problems: (1-18)(!!!); (23-30)opt; (19-22
Section 3.3: Notes
Problems: (7-22)(!!!); 23-28; (29-31)opt; (32-46)*
Section 3.1: Notes
Problems: (1-20)(!!!); (22-28)*
Chapter 2 Show
Section 2.8: Notes
Problems: Section 2.4: (7-12)(!!!); (22-26)*
Section 2.6: Notes
Problems: (1-16, 18, 25-30)(!!!); (17, 23-24, 31-32)*
Section 2.5: Notes
Problems: (1-13)(!!!); (14-28)*
Section 2.4: Notes
Problems: (1-6, 13-16)(!!!); (17-31)*; (32-33)opt
Section 2.1: Notes
Problems: (1-12 [only part (c) for each], 13-26)(!!!); (27-37)*; (38-41)opt
Section 2.2: Notes
Problems: (1-8)(!!!); 9-20; (21-28)*; (29-30)opt
Section 2.0 (Before-Textbook Intro): Notes
* = hard problems
(!!!) = extremely important
opt = optional

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