RTRESGEV Find a few eigenpairs of a generalized Hermitian definite eigenvalue problem using the Riemannian Trust-Region method.
function varargout = rtresgev(varargin);
RTRESGEV Find a few eigenpairs of a generalized Hermitian definite eigenvalue problem
using the Riemannian Trust-Region method.
Find a few smallest generalized eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the matrices A and B.
Uses an implentation of the Riemannian Trust-Region algorithm.
D = RTRESGEV(A) returns a vector of A's 6 smallest signed eigenvalues.
A must be Hermitian and should be large and sparse.
[V,D] = RTRESGEV(A) returns a diagonal matrix D of A's 6 smallest signed
eigenvalues and a matrix V whose columns are the corresponding eigenvectors.
[V,D,OPS] = RTRESGEV(A) also returns a structure containing information
on the performance of the algorithm.
RTRESGEV(A,B) solves the generalized eigenvalue problem A*V == B*V*D.
B must be Hermitian positive definite and the same size as A.
The positive definiteness of B is taken for granted, and will not
be tested.
RTRESGEV(A,[],...) indicates the standard eigenvalue problem A*V == V*D.
RTRESGEV(A,K) and RTRESGEV(A,B,K) return the K smallest signed eigenvalues.
RTRESGEV(A,K,OPTS) and RTRESGEV(A,B,K,OPTS) specify options:
OPTS.verbosity: verbose printing at each outer step [0 | {1} | 2]
OPTS.x0: basis for the initial iterate [{randomly generated}]
OPTS.tol: outer convergence tolerance [scalar | {1e-6}]
OPTS.outerstop: mechanism for outer convergence
'gradabs' absolute tolerance: quit when |grad_i| < tol
'gradrel' relative tolerance: quit when |grad_i|/|grad_0| < tol
'resrel' relative tolerance: quit when |res_i|/|lambda_i| < tol (default)
functions AFUN and BFUN instead of the matrix A, where N is the size of A.
The functions are called like:
y = feval(AFUN,x);
y = feval(BFUN,x);
---------------------- ADVANCED OPTIONS -----------------------
Note, any field in OPTS that is not listed below will be passed
out of RTRESGEV in OPS. For example,
>> options.desc = 'my favorite test';
>> [V,L,O] = RTRESGEV(...,options);
>> O.desc
ans = my favorite test
OPTS.fout: file identifier for printing {1}
All print statements are directed to fout.
Typical choices are:
1, standard output,
2, standard error,
or a file handle returned by fopen.
RTRESGEV will not close the file handle.
OPTS.debug: debugging checks and output [{0} | 1]
OPTS.useSA: use 2-D subspace acceleration [false]
This is only in effect early in the algorithm.
OPTS.p: block size for problem [integer | {k}]
Must satisfy k <= OPTS.p <= n
OPTS.paramtest: parameter test [{0} | 1]
Do not actually run the algorithm, but instead
test the given parameters, set the defaults, and return them
in a struct.
defaultopts = rtresgev(A,B,k,opts);
OPTS.Vtest: space against which to test at each step
Canonical sines are computed w.r.t. the euclidean inner product and
are stored in OPS.sines. (See note in code header for methodology.)
OPTS.Ltest: values against which to test at each step
Errors between the values in Ltest and the current eigenvalue
estimates are stored in OPS.verrors. OPTS.Ltest must contain
p values, stored in a vector or a diagonal matrix.
OPTS.maxinner: max number of inner iterations
Default is the dimension of the tangent space:
d = n*p - (p^2+p)/2
OPTS.innerstop: available stopping criteria for the model minimization
A bitmask of three bits, the default is 3=1+2=maxinner or RTR model grad-based
bitand(innerstop,1): maxinner iterations reached
bitand(innerstop,2): RTR model gradient-based stop is enabled (kappa/theta)
bitand(innerstop,4): stop inner when outer stopping criteria is satisfied
At least one of these bits must be set.
OPTS.maxouter: max number of outer iterations [integer | {100}]
OPTS.minouter: min number of outer iterations [integer]
When OPTS.randomize == 1, default is 2
Otherwise, default is 0.
Useful when OPTS.randomize == 1, to allow the algorithm
opportunity to escape a non-optimal critical point.
Note, the algorithm always performs one outer step before
checking the outer stopping criteria, as long as the gradient
is non-zero.
OPTS.randomize: randomize model minimization [{0} | 1]
This randomizes the initial solution to the model minimization.
Otherwise, initial solution is the origin. See OPTS.min_outer.
Randomization must be disabled if a preconditioner is used.
OPTS.kappa: convergence: see paper [scalar | {0.1}]
kappa effects a linear reduction in the
residual before truncating the inner solver.
Must satisfy 0 < kappa <= 1
OPTS.theta: convergence: see paper [scalar | {1.0}]
theta effects a superlinear convergence rate
by introducing a more strict stopping criteria on
the inner problem, as the algorithm nears solution.
The algorithm seeks order theta+1 convergence.
Must satisfy 0 <= theta <= 2 for a maximum cubic
rate of convergence
OPTS.rho_prime: TR: acceptance ratio [scalar | {0.1}]
The ratio between the reduction in the Rayleigh
quotient and reduction in the quadratic model
is used as an acceptance criteria for a new proposal.
Should satisfy 0 < rho_prime < .25
OPTS.Delta_bar: TR: max trust region size [scalar | {inf}]
OPTS.Delta0: TR: initial trust region size [scalar | {p*sqrt(3)}]
Must satisfy 0 <= Delta0 <= Delta_bar
OPTS.Prec: preconditioner for the inner iteration.
Regarding Preconditioning: A preconditioner for the inner iteration may be
specified via OPTS.Prec. The preconditioner will be invoked as follows:
Peta = feval(OPTS.Prec,X,BX,eta);
The input to the preconditioner will always be B-orthogonal.
The preconditioner must return a matrix which is B-orthogonal to X.
See, for example, 'precDLP'
A = delsq(numgrid('C',15));
B = speye(15);
[V,D] = rtresgev(A,B,5);