Hypothalamus-Pituitary Software
The computer programs below are listed according to the articles in
which they appear. Most run with the XPPAUT computer software. XPPAUT is free, and
runs on Unix, Linux, and Windows machines. Some codes are also written in MATLAB or Python.
- Fazli and Bertram
"Conversino of Spikers to Bursters in Pituitary Cell Networks: Is it
Better to Disperse for Maximum Exposure or Circle the Wagons?",
PLoS Computational Biology, 20:e1011811, 2024.
- Fazli and Bertram
"Network Properties of Electrically Coupled Bursting Pituitary Cells",
Frontiers in Endocrinology, 13:936160, 2022.
- Duncan, Fazli, Romano, Le Tissier, Bertram, Shipston
"Chronic Stress Facilitates Bursting Electrical Activity in
Pituitary Corticotrophs", Journal of Physiology, 600:313-332, 2022.
- Duncan, Tabak, Ruth, Bertram, Shipston
"Glucocorticoids Inhibit CRH/AVP-Evoked Bursting Activity of
Male Murine Anterior Pituitary Corticotrophs", Endocrinology,
157:3108-3121, 2016.
- Helena, Toporikova, Kalil, Stathopoulos, Pogrebna, Carolino,
Anselmo-Franci, Bertram
"KNDy Neurons Modulate the Magnitude of
the Steroid-Induced Luteinizing Hormone Surges in Ovariectomized Rats",
Endocrinology, 156:4200-4213, 2015.
- Bertram
"Mathematical Modeling in Neuroendocrinology", Comprehensive Physiology,
5:911-927, 2015.
- Teka, Tabak, Bertram
"The Relationship Between Two Fast/Slow Analysis Techniques for Bursting
Oscillations", Chaos, 22:043117, 2012.
- Chu, Tomaiuolo, Bertram, Moenter
"Two Types of Burst Firing in Gonadotrophin-Releasing Hormone Neurones",
Journal of Neuroendocrinology, 24:1065-1077, 2012.
- Teka, Tabak, Vo, Wechselberger, Bertram
"The Dynamics Underlying Pseudo-Plateau Bursting in a Pituitary Cell Model",
Journal of Mathematical Neuroscience, 1(12),
doi:10.1186/2190-8567-1-12, 2011.
- Tabak, Tomaiuolo, Gonzalez-Iglesias, Milescu, Bertram
"Fast-Activating Voltage- and Calcium-Dependent Potassium (BK) Conductance
Promotes Bursting in Pituitary Cells: A Dynamic Clamp Study", Journal of
Neuroscience, 31:16855-16863, 2011.
- Stojilkovic, Tabak, Bertram
"Ion Channels and Signaling in the Pituitary Gland", Endocrine Reviews,
31:845-915, 2010.
- Tomaiuolo, Bertram, Gonzalez-Iglesias, Tabak
"Investigating Heterogeneity of Intracellular Calcium Dynamics in Anterior
Pituitary Lactotrophs Using a Combined Modelling/Experimental Approach",
Journal of Neuroendocrinology, 22:1279-1289, 2010.
- Vo, Bertram, Tabak, Wechselberger
"Mixed Mode Oscillations as a Mechanism for Pseudo-Plateau Bursting", Journal
of Computational Neuroscience, 28:443-458, 2010.
- Bertram, Helena, Gonzalez-Iglesias, Tabak, Freeman
"A Tale of Two Rhythms: The emerging Roles of Oxytocin in Rhythmic Prolactin
Release", Journal of Neuroendocrinology, 22:778-784, 2010.
- Helena, McKee, Bertram, Walker, Freeman
"The Rhythmic Secretion of Mating-Induced Prolactin Secretion is Controlled by
Prolactin Acting Centrally", Endocrinology, 150:3245-3251, 2009.
- Bertram and Li
"A Mathematical Model for the Actions of Activin, Inhibin, and Follistatin
on Pituitary Gonadotrophs", Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 70:2211-2228, 2008.
- Toporikova, Tabak, Freeman, Bertram
"A-Type K+ Current Can Act as a Trigger for Bursting in the Absence of a Slow Variable", Neural Computation, 20:436-451, 2008.
- McKee, Poletini, Bertram, Freeman
"Oxytocin Action at the Lactotroph is Required for Prolactin Surges in Cervically
Stimulated Ovariectomized Rats", Endocrinology, 148:4649-4657, 2007.
- Tabak, Toporikova, Freeman, Bertram
"Low Dose of Dopamine may Stimulate Prolactin Secretion by Increasing Fast Potassium Currents", Journal of Computational Neuroscience, 22:211-222, 2007.
- Bertram, Tabak, Toporikova, Freeman
"Endothelin Action on Pituitary Lactotrophs: One receptor, Many GTP-Binding
Proteins", Science STKE, 2006(319):pe4, 2006.
- Bertram, Egli, Toporikova, Freeman
"A Mathematical Model for the Mating-Induced Prolactin Rhythm of Female Rats",
American Journal of Physiology, 290:E573-E582, 2006.
- Egli, Bertram, Toporikova, Sellix, Blanco, Freeman
"Prolactin Secretory Rhythm of Mated Rats Induced by a Single Injection of
Oxytocin", American Journal of Physiology, 290:E566-E572, 2006.
- Egli, Bertram, Sellix, Freeman
"Rhythmic Secretion of Prolactin in Rats: Action of Oxytocin Coordinated by
Vasoactive Intestinal Polypeptide of Suprachiasmatic Nucleus Origin",
Endocrinology, 145:3386-3394, 2004.