Software for various other projects
The computer programs below are listed according to the articles in which
they appear. They run with MATLAB or the XPPAUT computer software.
XPPAUT is free, and runs on Unix, Linux, and Windows machines.
It can be downloaded from the website of
Bard Ermentrout .
- Ryzowicz, Bertram, and Karamched
"Oscillations in Delayed Positive Feedback Systems",
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 26:24861, 2024.
- Fletcher, Clement, Vidal, Tabak, and Bertram
"Interpreting Frequency Responses to Dose-Conserved Pulsatile Input Signals in Simple
Cell Signaling Motifs", PLoS ONE 9(4): e95613. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0095613, 2014.
- Tomaiuolo, Bertram, and Houle
"Enzyme Isoforms May Increase Phenotypic Robustness",
Evolution, 62:2884-2893, 2008.