Richard Bertram
Photo credit: Devin Bittner
Academic Appointments and Honors
- Fellow of the Society for Mathematical Biology, awarded 2023
SMB Fellow Awardees
- Tam Family Professor of Mathematics, 2019-2025
- Distinguished Research Professor, awarded 2019
DRP Awardees
- Marion Bradley Brennan Professor of Mathematics, 2015-2018
- Director of Biomathematics Program, FSU, 2010-present
- Professor of Biomathematics, FSU, 2009-present
- Graduate Faculty Member, Molecular Biophysics Program,
FSU, 2001-present
- Graduate Faculty Member, Neuroscience Program,
FSU, 2005-present
Current Funding
- NIH R01 DK 080714: Four-year award for
"Microfluidic Devices for Determining Dynamics of Islets of Langerhans",
Mike Roper (PI), Richard Bertram, 2022-2026.
- NSF DMS 2324962: Three-year award for
"New Approaches for Interpreting Neural Responses to Behaviorally-Relevant Sensory Stimuli",
Richard Bertram (PI), Tom Needham, Martin Bauer, Roberto Vincis, 2023-2026.
Professional Service
Teaching Links
Biomathematics journal club, Journal club
Current Research Interests
Activity of Pancreatic Beta-Cells
Pancreatic beta-cells are located in islets of Langerhans in the pancreas and
are the only cells in the body that secrete insulin,
a hormone that is necessary for the uptake of glucose by other cells.
Defects in beta-cell functioning lead to diabetes, which can result
in death if not treated. The release of insulin is controlled by many
physiological variables, including the cell's electrical activity,
calcium, and nucleotide concentrations. I work in the development and
analysis of mathematical models of beta-cell activity as well as
potential methods for islet syncrhonization.
Hypothalamic Control of Hormone Secretion
The hypothalamus is the region of the brain that regulates the level and
timing of hormone release from endocrine glands. One such gland,
the pituitary, is located near the hypothalamus, and secretions from this
gland regulate secretions from other glands. For this reason, the
pituitary is sometimes called the "master gland". The hypothalamus sends
both stimulatory and inhibitory input to the pituitary, resulting in
neural regulation of secretion from gonadotrophs, somatotrophs, corticotrophs,
melanotrophs, and lactotrophs. I develop mathematical models
of pituitary cells, and work with collaborators to test model predictions and
design new experiments.
Bursting Oscillations in Excitable Cells
In nerve cells, information is transmitted through electrical impulses.
Electrical impulses also cause muscles to contract and endocrine cells
to secrete hormones. Quite often, impulses are generated as high-frequency
bursts, followed by periods of quiescence. This is particularly true in
endocrine cells such as pancreatic beta-cells and pituitary cells. I am
interested both in the dynamics of bursting (a mathematical topic) and in
the mechanisms by which different cells generate periodic bursts of
impulses (a biological topic).
Biological Networks and Data Science
Many biological systems can be described as networks of interacting parts.
I study networks of neurons and hormone-secreting endocrine cells, as well as
gene transcription networks. This research uses techniques from network science,
statistics, and data science. Current applications are to the neural
coding of taste and food temperature in the gustatory cortex, networks of
hypothalamic neurons and pituitary cells, and gene transcription networks related
to the study of the disease sepsis.
Neural Models
Pancreatic Beta-Cells
Synaptic Transmission
Structural Biology
Hypothalamus and Pituitary
Neural Basis of Birdsong
Bursting Analysis
Cardiac Models
Other Topics
Lab Members
Students and Collaborators
Computer Software
Structural Biology
Hypothalamus and Pituitary
Synaptic Transmission
Pancreatic Islet
Bursting Analysis
Cardiac Models
Other Topics
Biomathematics program
Biophysics group
Music and Math
Full CV
Prof. Richard Bertram
Department of Mathematics
Florida State University
Tallahassee, Fl 32306
tel.: (850)-644-7632 (IMB office)