Summer 2015 `C' Term-- Applied Graph Theory - MAD 5932-01 and MAD 4934-01
Meets MTWRF 2:00-3:20 102 LOV
Instructor Dr Steve Bellenot (bellenot at 850.644.7405
OFFICE HOURS Friday 1pm and 3:30-4:00 MTWR
The class ad
The course Syllabus.
The schedule of due dates.
The on-line gradebook
The web page for the Summer 12 class.
The web page for the Summer 09 class.
The web page for the Summer 06 class.
- Random Graphs.
is a recent course on complex networks
(like the internet) which has a section on Random Graph Theory.
- Software
- The free matlab clone scilab and
the local examples
- The mildly password protected Lessons directory
has a programming guide written for matlab/scilab for the biocalculus lab.
- The assigned and optional on-line scilab assignments:
The Server.
If your fsu id is abc08z and your EmpId is 012345678, then your login
will be abc08z and your password 012345678. You can find your FSUsn
here (If your fsu id has only
two initials, like ab08z and your fsusn is 012345678, then your login
will be ab08z and your password 012345678.)
- Scilab is at version 5.5.1. Very new and very old mac's need to download
special versions. Some need download two versions of Java.
- The Maple local examples directory
- Other books.
Last modified 2015-03-20