Meets MTWRF 2:00-3:20 102 LOV "C" Session
Instructor Dr Steve Bellenot (bellenot at 850.644.7405
OFFICE HOURS F1:00-2:00 or by appointment. I'm usually around after class.
Homework problems
are heavily based on problems from Brown and Churchill. Here are the
collection of problems that were
assigned several summers ago and are paraphased in this pdf
handout. Some definitions are collected in this xerox.
The schedule of due dates.
Text: You will need a textbook, but there are several to
choose from:
The homework questions are taken from
Brown and Churchill 7th Edition Complex Variables and
Applications. But the current edition is the 8th. Likely
any edition of Churchill or Churchill and Brown will cover the
material in the same or near the same order.
You might choose to forgo an expensive textbook and select one or more of these
more classic textbooks which cost considerably less.
Of course, the topics and order are slightly different. Amazon prices
change frequently, the numbers below are not current prices.
-->exp(%i*%pi) ans = - 1. + 1.225E-16i -->clean(exp(%i*%pi)) ans = - 1.The E-16 is round-off error and the clean command replaces very small numbers by zero.