// 28 Jun 2009 function y = circ(g) // locates the vertices in the circle of radius 200 function y = k(n) //complete graph on n vertices K_n function y = w(n) //wheel graph, W_n (a cycle with a central vertex added) function y = prufer(code) // prufer code to tree function code = tree2prufer(a) // tree to prufer code function y = c(n) //cycle graph on n vertices C_n function y = p(n) //path graph on n vertices P_n function y = prism(n) // prism from an n-polygon function y = ladder(n) // a ladder with n steps function y = grid(n,m) // an n x m 2d grid function y = line(g) // the line graph from g function y = kp(n,m) // the complete bipartite graph k_n,m function y = q(n) // hypercube of dimension n, Q_n (has 2^n vertices) function y = dodecahedron // the dodecahedron graph function p = product(g,h) // Graph product of g and h function p = disjointunion(g,h) // disjoint union of g and h // see also graph_union function g=book(m) // a book with n pages P_2 x star K_1,m function g = octahedral() // octahedral graph (dual to cube) function g = tetrahedral() // grid of simplex function g = cubial() // cube is 3 - dimensional hypecube function g = readedgelist(s) // this is the format of that adj2edge translates to function g = readadjlist(s) // this is the format of that adj2edge translates from // Eigenvalue / Eigenvector ploting routines function y = ea(g) // Eigenvector Adjacency, two largest eigenvalues // largest eigenvector is useless in regular graphs function y = eaxy(g,x,y) // Eigenvector Adjacency, two eigenvalues, x and y function y = scalegraph(g, s) // Scales the display of g by the factor s function y = translategraph(g, x, y) // translates the display of g by the factor (x, y) function y = rotategraph(g, theta) // rotates the graph theta radians ccw function y = el(g) // Eigenvector Laplacian, small eigenvectors, 2 and 3 function y = elxy(g, x, y) // Eigenvector Laplacian, eigenvectors $-x, $-y // Smallest eigenvalue useless function y = eld(g) // not a good idea function y = centriod(g) // not a good idea function y = spectraldraw(g, p) // from Yehuda Koren // Drawing Graphs by Eigenvectors: Theory and Practice // Something is wrong, it doesn't give the same answers // I needed to add an escape counter // The test matrix was k_1,4??? function y = specdraw(g) // 3d graphs drawings function gplot3d(g)