First class: 1. How to enter matrices: A = [ 1 2; 3 4] or A = [1, 2; 3, 4] will enter [ 1 2 ] [ 3 4 ] 2. How to rref a matrix, method 1: rref(A), in this case it outputs: [ 1 0 ] [ 0 1 ] 3. How to rref a matrix using row elementary ops. First we start over A = [1 2; 3 4]; //The last semi-colon silences the output. // starts a comment // A(1,1) is already one, but normally we would need divide row1 by A(1,1) // Make column 1 correct by make A(2,1) zero A(2,:) = A(2,:) - 3*A(1,:) // r2 += -3r1 [ 1 2 ] [ 0 -2 ] // Make A(2,2) the next pivot A(2,:) = A(2,:)/(-2) // r2 *= -2 [ 1 2 ] [ 0 1 ] // Make column 2 correct A(1,:) = A(1,:) -2*A(2,:) [ 1 0 ] [ 0 1 ] 4. exec('') // how to execute a command file. Second class 1. The colon operator 4:7 outputs 4 5 6 7 2. The colom operator a:b:c starts with a, increments by b and stops before getting bigger than c. a:c is the same as a:1:c. 2:3:9 outputs 2 5 8 (but not 11) 3. An empty range like 2:7:1 will ouput the empty matrix [] 4. Colon as wild card (used is first class also) A(:,2) is the second column of A A(3,:) is the third row of A 5. We can combine things. A = [ 1 2 3 4 5; 5 6 7 8 9 ] [ 1 2 3 4 5 ] [ 5 6 7 8 9 ] Then A(:, 2:4) is [ 2 3 4 ] [ 6 7 8 ] 6. The size operator, if B is a mxn matrix then size(B) returns [ m n ] So using the A from 5 above size(A) returns [ 2 5 ] and size(A(:, 2:4)) returns [ 2 3 ] Did we do for loops? class3 1. elementwise operators 2. plotting