Installing scilab on a mac. First check to see if the optional system software is installed on your mac. Look in the utilities sub folder of the Applications folder. The program you are looking for is called X11. You can start X11 by double clicking. (Starting X11 is necessary only on older systems.) If you don't see the application X11, you must install it. X11 comes on the mac system dvd that came with your mac. It is certainly on 10.5 Leopard and 10.4 Tiger the application is on the dvd. For early versions of mac os X, X11 was a free download. If you can't find the install dvd; there are ways of downloading X11 for free. For 10.3, Panther, one had to download X11 from apple To install X11 from the dvd: Tiger Leopard Download scilab version from if your machine uses the intel chip. If you have an older PowerPC mac, use version Scilab Version 5.0.x is not recommended, even for windows. Using scilab on a mac Scilab uses the X11 user interface which is not very mac like. In particular it expects a 3 button mouse and for the mouse to select focus. This means 1. The mouse must be in the scilex window before input will be accepted (in addition to scilex being the current window). 2. If you don't have a 3 button mouse (most laptops for example) you will want to go into menu's X11 => Preferences => Input and check mark Emulate three button mouse. 3. The scroll bar on the right is controled by the middle mouse button (or command button in emulation mode) 4. Copy is highlight, Paste is middle mouse button. Saving graphics The command xs2eps(0,'foo.eps') with save the Scilab Graphic (0) to the file foo.eps as postscript. Double clicking on the file on a mac will convert to pdf. Or you can drag and drop into a word processing program.