MAt 4931-03 Scientific Computing

Meets TR 9:30-10:45 302 MCH Eventually the class syllabus will be here.

Not another numerical class, but rather preparation for doing an internship at a national laboratory or other scientific job with a computing component. This the collection of computing tools that one is assumed to know, or it is assumed that you will learn on your own time. The topics are geared towards the Mathematical student, see the course web site for the current list of topics.
Prerequires some math, say linear algebra or ordinary differential equations; and some computer science say a high level programming language such as c, java or fortran and some additional computer science class. See Bellenot if you have questions about prerequisites.
The class will alternate between lectures and lab work. Each week we will have a different topic and an in class laboratory assignment based on the topic the next meeting. A tentative list of topics is given below.
  1. Introduction to unix.
  2. Shell programming
  3. Perl programming
  4. Makefiles
  5. The power of pipes
  6. Using a debugger
  7. Matlab primer
  8. Netlib
  9. Making code run fast, optimizing

Other topics which might be covered depending on time and student interest
Last modified 17:01:05 03/10/14