Assignment 8: Optimize and Profile Part 1

Get the tar file opt.tar.gz which has sample source, used in class. This has bugs fixed from last time.
  1. Download qhull from compile use rbox to create a datafile bench.dat which takes qhull 30-90 seconds of run time.
  2. Recompile qhull with just debugging flags and notice the different in run time for bench.dat
  3. Recompile qhull with profiling turned on (-pg) and do a profile run of qhull on bench.dat.
  4. What routines is qhull spending most of its time? Which routines are call most often.
  5. create thingybinary/intakebinary to read the data into an array of points. float points[20002]; using one `open' and one `read'. Precess the points in data10000.csv into data10000.dat. How much faster? [Here is the csv2dat.c from class.]