Assignment 7: Makefiles and Debuggers

Get the tar file mf.tar.gz which has sample source.
  1. Build a Makefile for the data directory which will convert a .csv comma separated value file to a tab separated value file.
  2. Build a Makefile for the src directory which will automagically compile and link `thingy' which uses all the src. The src should compile but it has errors.
  3. Add a makedepend line, a clean line, and some other potentially useful line.
  4. Use the debugger to walk through the code using the data10.csv file for input. Fix the errors, how many did you find?
  5. The source directory has make.bad which you can test using make -f make.bad. Can you find the errors in the make.bad?
  6. Make a top level makefile, which will descend into each directory and do a make on that level.