Assignment 6: Geo Float

Get the tar file geofloat.tar.gz which has the geodesic files and the ieee stuff we were playing with. For the IEEE floating point format see the links html pdf
  1. Use the geodesic code to get geodesic pictures for a couple of other surfaces. The sphere x^2+y^2+y^2=3^2, or the elliptic paraboloid z = x^2+y^2 or the monkey saddle z = x^3-3xy^2, or something else. Try to make it prettier than what I did.
  2. If one writes one tenth as a float, is the value higher or lower that one tenth. If you add one tenths over and over again n times is it always smaller always larger than n/10.0? (write a program that checks your reasoning.)
  3. I rewrote float.c and included an old with machine.out (from the code that is commented out.) Use the handout to figure out what the binary representation of 5.5e5 and -5.5e-5 would be and use one of these programs to check that you got the correct answer.
  4. Find a bitwise test for NaN. That is if you copy a float as a string into an integer i, find a mask m so that (m & i) && !(~m & i) is equivalent to the float being a NaN. (It might be slightly more complex.)