Assignment 1: Intro to Unix

Here are the files we used in class args.c and wild.tar. Here is a new file pattree.tar.gz which you can download and do gunzip to remove the .gz and then do tar xf pattree.tar to unpack into a subtree files under the directory top. When you are done with the assignment you can remove the files with /bin/rm -rf top. Here are some questions.
  1. How deep to the directories go?
  2. How many files ending in .pat are there?
  3. How many .pat files have Exclude14FootTimber?
  4. How many .pat files have Exclude14Foot4x4Timber?
  5. How many .pat files have Allow4x4?
  6. What are the different values CantKerf has in a .pat file?
  7. What are the different values EdgerKerf has in a .pat file?
  8. How many different versions of the software wrote these files?
  9. Plot n vs the number of .pat files with n lines.
  10. Many of the .pat files have strange permissions, what command would you use to make them all have -r--r--r-- permissions?