Maple is a complete programming language designed for working Scientists and hence is a very big object. There is much about Maple which we will not use. Here is a short list of the things we will use. 1. The Help menu. Maple has its own help system look at the right hand side of the menu bar. Try typing `plot3d', going to help and selecting help on plot3d. 2. The collection of commands we will use this semester is quite small. They include the plotting commands: (type `with(plots)'). plot3d, implicitplot3d, contourplot, spacecurve, gradplot, fieldplot and to glue two plot together we use display. These plotting commands have lots of options, here is a list of options we will use: (not all options apply to all plot commands) title,axes,numpoints,scaling,shading,style,contours,arrows,orientation, thickness,color There are general maple commands we will use diff,int,evalf,eval,vector,mtaylor,solve And some commands in the linalg package like dotprod. 3. Most students learning maple find the following frustrating. A. Maple can crash at any time, save early and often. B. The Gui and Maple are not in synch. If you open a saved file it looks like all the commands have been executed, but actually none have. Also it looks like the commands have been executed from top to bottom but that is not necessarily true. C. Syntax, maple requires exact typing, a small typo can change everything. Sometimes Maple will return answer that is complete garbage without any error message or outward sign that there was any problem. D. Echo, maple thinks you know what you are doing. If it doesn't understand what you have typed, it will echo it and think that you will make it clear somehow later. E. Every statement must end with `;' or `:' F. Multiplication requires a `*' everywhere. It is not 2x or 2 x but 2*x. It is not (x-1)(x-2) but (x-1)*(x-2). It is not 3xy but 3*x*y. G. It is `Pi' that is 3.141592... while `pi' is just a greek letter. H. Neither e nor E is 2.718281828... it is exp(1). Instead of e^x, use exp(x). [A common error is exp^x but that doesn't work either.] I. Assignment statements are f:=x^2-3*x+2 and NOT either f= NOR f(x):=. J. Equations use =, as in x=2*x+2 or `solve({x+y=3,x-y=1},{x,y})'. But if you omit the equal sign, Maple will often implicitly add `=0' without telling you. K. Horrible things happen if you do something like `x:=7;'. There are three ways to fix this. (i) Quit and restart. (ii) Type restart. (iii) type x:='x'; -- note the direction of the quotes is (') and not (`). If you want the value of f when x is 7 and y is 3 do `eval(f,{x=7,y=3});'. L. {} are sometimes used to group `solve({x+y=3,x-y=1},{x,y})' {unordered sets} M. [] are sometimes used to group `plot([x^2,x^3],x=0..1,color=[red,green])' [ordered lists]. N. Sometimes one of {} or [] will be totally different or might fail. For example plot([f,g]... will plot two functions, but plot3d([f,g]... will give an error. O. Maple knows too much, we know we can't integrate sin(x)/x or exp(-x^2) from Calculus 2 but Maple says these are Si(x) and erf(x) *sqrt(Pi)/2 which are just the names Maple gives to these integrals. P. Maple lives in complex numbers. Solve(x^2+4=0) yields 2*I and -2*I. We would say x^2+4 is never zero, thinking of x as real. Q. Maple has a strange notation for roots of polynomials. Try solve(x^4+x+1=0) and you will get RootOf(_Z^4+_Z+1) which is just x^4+x+1 with x replaced with _Z. R. There are standard programing controls like for loops, if then and the like. While generally not needed for the assignments, they sometimes appear in projects. S. The instructor will sometimes use more advanced commands in class without explaining them. T. We collect these, feel free to suggest your own. Many of these were suggested by students like yourself. Many of these are frustrations people have learning a first programming language, so students without a programming language sometimes have a harder time. But conversely, they will have an easier time with their programming course. [Most people taking Calculus 3 have a major that requires a computer programming class.] However most students `get it' in a couple of weeks, and all get it after about 6 weeks.