> restart;with(linalg):#Web stuff first > u:=vector([a,b,c]);X:=vector([x,y,z]); > X[1];X[2];X[3];u;X;print(u);print(X); > dotprod(u,X); > crossprod(u,X);crossprod(X,u); > norm(X); > norm(X,2);norm(X,4);# Maple does this for "advanced math" -- The absolute values because of Maple allows for the possibility of complex numbers. > normalize(u); > scalarmul(u,2); > matadd(u,X); > matadd(u,X,2,-1);#2*u-X > > with(plottools); > with(plots):#arrow(from-where, to-where, arrow-width, arrow-head-width, head-fraction, ...) > A:=arrow([0,0],[10,10],.2,.4,.1,color=green);#another Maple annoyance, [0,0] can't be vector([0,0]); > display(A); > B:=arrow([0,0,0],[10,10,10],.2, .4, .1,color=red); > display(B,orientation=[-40,70],axes=boxed); > #Switch gears to planes, normals, projections -- Lecture. >