22 Sept 1998 This is a translation of the Device code to Java3D. The Function3f interface became Curve3f because of the need of Point3f instead of Vector3f used in constructiong the Shape3Ds. ParametricCurve became ParametricCurve3D and it now extends Shape3D. The Device class the main driver before is replaced with Universe a different driver. ---- Some improvements The files UniverseK, UniverseM and UniverseA all build upon Universe and allow for user input. Each make it possible for the user to interactively select which Parametric curve to view. The Helix, the Torus (Knot) or both (the default). UniverseK uses the keyboard. '1', '2' and 'B' select the various modes. UniverseM uses swing Menu's. (The shortcuts are 'H', 'T' and 'B'). There is a bug which prevents this from working correctly on Solaris apparently. It might work on win32 after you uncomment the line: //JPopupMenu.setDefaultLightWeightPopupEnabled(false); UniverseA use the awt Menus. These are heavyweight objects.