MAA 5932-01 Functional Analysis and Spectral Theory
Welcome to Infinite Dimensions!
Meets MWF 2:30-3:20 104 LOV
Prerequisite: Advanced Calculus or Permission of the instructor.
Here is the class syllabus.
The problems
Our on-line gradebook
Bellenots office hours in 223 LOV: MW3:30-4:30, W1:30-2:20 or by appointment.
Here is the
web page from my last graduate class in Functional Analysis..
- The Glossary
- The Fourier Transform handout from PDE
- Required (Highly Recommended) Textbooks
- Halmos books, not required, but they are so good they are back in print.
- Old Texts used in Fall 05, we will use a different books
Last modified 2009-07-13