Determinates. Expansion by minors, special case for n = 1, 2, special case for lots of zeros, special case using one kind of row operation Ri += cRj which does not change the det. (The other two operations change the value of the determinate. Do not use special 3x3 method. Given an n x n Matrix A and an entry aij in row i and column j, the minor of aij is the n-1 x n-1 matrix Aij formed by deleting row i and column j from A. For any column j: det A = sum from i=1..n (-1)^(i+j) aij det Aij For any row i: det A = sum from j=1..n (-1)^(i+j) aij det Aij The signs form a easy to remember matrix [ + - + - ... [ - + - + ... [ + - + - ... [ . [ . [ . The final thm's some definitions come later, but invertible/non-invertable and singular/non-singular were done today. Thm. If A is an n x n matric, then the following are equivalent 1. The matrix equation A X = B has a unique solution 2. The matrix A has an inverse A^(-1) [so that A A^(-1) = A^(-) A = I]. 3. The matrix A is invertible 4. rref(A) = I 5. The columns of A are linearly independent. 6. The rows of A are linearly independent 7. rref(A) has as many pivots as unknowns 8. The matrix A is non-singular 9. The determinate of A, det(A) not= 0 10. The rank of A is n 11. Zero is not an eigenvalue of A Thm. If A is an n x n matric, then the following are equivalent 1. The matrix equation A X = B has 0 or infinitely many solutions 2. The matrix A does not have an inverse A^(-1) 3. The matrix A is non-invertible 4. rref(A) not = I 5. The columns of A are linearly dependent. 6. The rows of A are linearly dependent 7. rref(A) has as fewer pivots than unknowns 8. The matrix A is singular 9. The determinate of A, det(A) = 0 10. The rank of A is k < n 11. Zero is an eigenvalue of A Scilab commands xarrow (arrowdemo) plotquad fixing the location scilab looks for exec files. I downloaded to the desktop but scilab wasn't looking there I typed to pwd to see that scilab was looking at T:\ I typed cd Desktop to move to T:\Desktop (where the file was)