Some of you are trying scilab, here are a couple of tricks to make your life easier. The scilab commands I used Friday are in the file 07sep07.sci in our local scilab directory. Here are some scilab hints. HINT 0 When want to erase the plot (because some error) you can use the command clf() or the file-menu-item clear HINT 1 For reasons that make no sense to me the obvious collection of commands fails to define the function h(x) correctly function y = h(x) if abs(x) < %pi/2 then y = 1; else y = -1; end endfunction Well h(0) and h(2) will work but h(t) where t=-%pi:0.05:%pi will fail. Instead use the following function definition (type one line at time) This makes y an array of -1's the same size as x and then changes those entries y(i) to 1 when x(i) is between -pi/2 and pi/2. function y = h(x) y=-1*ones(x); // this defines a matrix of -1's y(find( x<%pi/2 & x>-%pi/2 )) = 1; // when |x|