# see also the ti89 directory form a calculus 3 class. Perhaps http://www.math.fsu.edu/~bellenot/class/s05/cal3/ti89 1. Solve y' = y(2-y) y(0) = 3 graphically a. switch to DE mode: (MODE) graph->DIFF EQUATIONS ENTER b. enter the equation green diamond y= (F1) ENTER fill in equation y1'=y1*(2-y1) ENTER fill in intital value yi1=3 ENTER green diamond window (F2) make sure that 3 is between ymax and ymin and t0=0 green diamond | (next to 7) There are several things that can screw up a DE plot the most important: fields->slpfld c. field the graph green diamon graph (F3) you should now see a `Slope Field' and curve with a circle at the point t=0, y=3. Variation 1. Give a set of intial values: a. We look at the curves where y(0) is 0, 1, 2, 3 green diamond y= (F1) fill in yi1 = {0, 1, 2, 3} (the comma's don't show in one display, but are needed) (check that ymin < 0 and ymax > 3 green diamond graph (F3) You should now see 4 curves with circles at time t=0. 2. Solve y' = y(2-y); y(0) = 3 analytically a. on the home screen F3 C (deSolve) fill in deSolve(y'=y*(2-y) and y(0)=3, t, y) the answer appears as 1/y = 1/2-exp(-2t)/6 3. Check the solution given by 2, rewrite ode as y'-(2-y)y = 0. a. The wrong way is to type y = 1/(1/2-exp(-2t)/6) try it then see what diff(y,t) or diff(y(t),t) gives. b. Use the define function F4 1 fill in the function [exp is green diamond x] y(t)=1/(1/2-exp(-2t)/6) check by typing [diff is F3 1] diff(y(t),t) - (2-y(t))*y(t) 0 says the equation checks. c. check the initial value type y(0) returns 3.