Try to make scilab do the note1b.txt for ti89 1. Solve y' = y(2-y); y(0) = 3 a. Rewrite equation as y' = f(t,y) so f(t,y) = y(2-y) and define f scilab code function ydot = f(t,y) ydot = y*(2-y); endfunction b. Use ode to solve the system. We will use [0,5] as the range of t t = 0:0.1:5; y0 = 3; t0 = 0; y = ode(y0, t0, t, f); y is the numerical solution. you can see it best by typing y' where prime is transpose and not a derivative. c. plot the solution plot(t,y,"r--x") Variation, several solutions, each plot adds more to the graph plot(t, ode(1, t0, t, f) 2. Add the slopefield to the graph. (called the direction field in the text, but actually is a vector field.) The command is champ(xgrid, ygrid, fx, fy, arfact=0) xgrid = 0:0.5:5; ygrid = 0:0.5:3 size(xgrid) gives 1 n size(ygrid) gives 1 m fy = ones(n,m); for i = 1:n, for j = 1:m, fy = f(xgrid(i), ygrid(j)); end, end; champ(xgrid, ygrid, fx, fy, arfact=0) 3. Scilab can't solve ode's analytically. But it can check a solution by ploting. ytrue = solution(t) plot(ytrue - y) Use clf() to restart the graph.