# This is a comment line # One can can cut and paste this file into gnuplot # You can do a line at a time or groups of lines up to a plot or splot # # Basic plot of the helix set parametric splot cos(u),sin(u),u # by default gnuplot picks a range for the u variable from what # looks like -5 to 5 # we can change the u range set urange [0:6*pi] # see what it is show urange # redo the plot (one can do control P's back to an old plot command) splot cos(u),sin(u),u # now the helix has 3 complete turns. # # # # often the number of samples is too small # the following plot just looks wrong set urange [0:log(10*pi)] splot cos(exp(u)),sin(exp(u)),u show samples set samples 1000, 1000 show samples splot cos(exp(u)),sin(exp(u)),u # the increased sampling (factor of 10 smooths out the curve) # here are the commands to show the curves of 19-24 section 13.1 splot cos(4*u),u,sin(4*u) #19 splot u,u**2,exp(-u) #20 splot u,1/(1+u**2),u**2 #21 splot exp(-u)*cos(10*u),exp(-u)*sin(10*u),exp(-u) #22 splot cos(u),sin(u),sin(5*u) #23 splot cos(u),sin(u),log(u) #24 -- urange needs to be greater than zero