Sketch the region and convert to rectangular |\^/| Maple 8 (SUN SPARC SOLARIS) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 2002 by Waterloo Maple Inc. \ MAPLE / All rights reserved. Maple is a registered trademark of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > Int(Int(r^3,r=0..5),theta=Pi/2..Pi); Pi 5 / / | | 3 | | r dr dtheta | | / / Pi 0 ---- 2 Answer: theta = pi/2 is the positive y-axis, theta = pi is the negative x-axis. The region looks like quarter circle in the II quadrant (sort of like the sorry picture below). o| 000| 0000| o0000| 00000| ------+------- | | | | So x goes from -5 to 0, y from 0 to the top of x^2+y^2 = 25 or sqrt(25-x^2) Then for the integrand one r goes with dr dtheta to get dA and that leave r^2 which is x^2+y^2. > Int(Int(x^2+y^2,y=0..sqrt(25-x^2)),x=-5..0); 2 1/2 0 (25 - x ) / / | | 2 2 | | x + y dy dx | | / / -5 0