> By The Good Doctor# Put your name on this line > # Fix the errors > with(plots);# put missing command before # Warning, the name changecoords has been redefined [animate, animate3d, animatecurve, changecoords, complexplot, complexplot3d, conformal, contourplot, contourplot3d, coordplot, coordplot3d, cylinderplot, densityplot, display, display3d, fieldplot, fieldplot3d, gradplot, gradplot3d, implicitplot, implicitplot3d, inequal, listcontplot, listcontplot3d, listdensityplot, listplot, listplot3d, loglogplot, logplot, matrixplot, odeplot, pareto, pointplot, pointplot3d, polarplot, polygonplot, polygonplot3d, polyhedra_supported, polyhedraplot, replot, rootlocus, semilogplot, setoptions, setoptions3d, spacecurve, sparsematrixplot, sphereplot, surfdata, textplot, textplot3d, tubeplot] > contourplot(sin(x)*sin(y),x=0..2*Pi,y=0..2*Pi); > plot3d(x^3-3*x*y^2,x=-3..3,y=-3..3); > plot3d(x*y,x=-3..3,y=-3..3); > contourplot(x^2+y,x=-1..1,y=-1..1);#hard typo to find > spacecurve([cos(t),sin(t),t],t=0..10*Pi/4); > #pi,Pi,e,E,exp, > pi;evalf(pi); pi pi > Pi;evalf(Pi);evalf(Pi,50); Pi 3.141592654 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751 > e;E;evalf(e);evalf(E); e E e E > exp(1);evalf(exp(1));evalf(exp(1),50); exp(1) 2.718281828 2.7182818284590452353602874713526624977572470937000 > #More errors to fix > plot(exp(x),x=0..1); > plot(exp(x),x=0..1); > plot(cos(2*Pi*x),x=0..2*Pi); > plot((4/5)*(cos(x))+x,x=0..2*Pi); > # cute error, how was this done? > a:=2; a := 2 > a+a; #note the original answer has a 5 as an answer. 5 > a; 2 > # Is this an error? NO! The plots look different > saddle1:=plot3d(x^2-y^2,x=-3..3,y=-3..3):saddle1; > saddle2:=implicitplot3d(z=x^2-y^2,x=-3..3,y=-3..3,z=-3..3):saddle2; > display(saddle1,saddle2);# show them together with display > f:=x^2+y^2; 2 2 f := x + y > plot3d(f,x=-1..1,y=-1..1); # no problem > g:=x^2+y^2; 2 2 g := x + y > plot3d(g,x=-1..1,y=-1..1); > # never do f(x):= > h(z):=z^2; 2 h(z) := z > h(3); h(3) > h(x); h(x) > # don't assign to variables you are going to use > fp:=p^2+q^2; 2 2 fp := p + q > p:=7; p := 7 > plot3d(fp,p=-1..1,q=-1..1); > p:='p';# this is undone by p:='p'; p := p > solve({x+y=3,x-y=1},{x,y}); {y = 1, x = 2} > solve({x+y=3,x-y=1},{x,y}); {y = 1, x = 2} > plot3d(sin(x+y),x=0..2*Pi,y=0..2*Pi); > plot3d(sin(x+y),x=0..2*Pi,y=0..2*Pi); >