Florida State University Seal

Department of Mathematics

College of Arts and Sciences

FORTRAN Programming Environment For Windows & Mac OSX

Windows XP / Windows 7 Instructions

Below are instructions to install a free minimal FORTRAN compilation environment for Microsoft Windows users.

There are two free products to install, the compiler itself (mingw) and a graphical front-end (Code::Blocks).

1. Download mingw from here: http://sourceforge.net/projects/mingw/files/Installer/mingw-get-inst/

2. Double click on the installation file. It is recommended that you not change the default install location, which is c:\mingw.
During the installation be sure to select the Fortran Compiler in the component selection window as shown in the image below.

3. Download Code::Blocks for Fortran for Windows 32bit from this link:http://darmar.vgtu.lt/index.php/cbdownload

4. Note that this version of Code::Blocks for Fortran does not require an actual installation. Simply unzip the downloaded package, then run the codeblocks.exe file directly from the resulting folder. You will be presented with the following options. Please check the option as shown in the image below.

5. To create a new fortran program click on file>New>File>Select Fortran Source>Hit Go and follow the instructions in the dialog box.

6. To open an existing fortran source file select File>Open> and navigate to the fortran source file.

Mac OSX Instructions

Below is the link to the instructions to download and install GCC 4.7,4.8 compiler suite. This compiler can be invoked using the OSX Terminal program. Note that the GCC 4.7,4.8 suite contains the required gfortran compiler. It can be downloaded by clicking on the link located just underneath the Computaion Tools :: C/Fortran section of the page.
Link: www.hpc.sourceforge.net

Below is the link to the instructions to download and install Photran, an Eclipse-based integrated IDE for fortran.