Professor of Mathematics
Associate Editor, Journal of Computational Physics
Links to the PhD Thesis/honors undergraduate thesis
for previous students
list of publications, available preprints
Department of Mathematics
Florida State University
Department of Mathematics, Florida State University,
Tallahassee, FL 32306
Office: Love 002C, phone: 412-818-9932, fax: 850-644-4053
The research of myself and the students that I advise
is at the intersection of Mathematics, Computer Science,
Physics, and Engineering.
Below are many examples of the applicability
of our research on important problems in science and industry.
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Alphabetical vi quick reference
Calculus Study tips (by: D.A. Kouba, UCD) ,
tips for free Fortran windows environment on windows.
Inexpensive integrated development environment tools for Fortran (windows/MAC)
tips for plotting data.
Good book for learning MATLAB: ``MATLAB guide,'' Higham, D.J. and
Higham, N.J. (2005 second edition, 2017 third edition, SIAM book).
Numerical Renaissance, simulation, optimization, and control, by
Thomas Bewley
For the research associated with the following
illustrations of drops in microfluidic
devices, atomization of liquid jets, ship waves, hydrodynamics for flow
past a whale, bubbles and drops in complex fluids, hydrodynamics of
flow past a human swimmer, flow in a beating heart,
and the effect of underwater explosions/implosions
on solid platforms, the support of the NSF DMS program, ONR, UTRC,
SANDIA labs, SAIC, Xerox, Kodak, and Weidlinger Associates is acknowledged.
Simulations of droplet formation in microfluidic devices.
Three Dimensional Numerical simulation of a 271 micrometer diameter
ethanol drop impacting a 30 micrometer ethanol film. Results are
in agreement with the experimental results reported by
Yarin and Weiss (1995). The Reynolds number is 2227 and the
Weber number is 1500. For details of this simulation and more,
please see: Yisen Guo, Yongsheng Lian and Mark Sussman,
Physics of Fluids, vol 28, 073303 (2016).
Numerical simulation of the head-on collision of a diesel oil
drop (cyan) with a water drop (gold) and resulting encapsulation.
Weber Number equals 9.6, 45.3, and 58.9 for the top, middle and
bottom rows respectively. The computational grid is a block structured
dynamic adaptive mesh with 48x288 coarse grid cells and 2 additional
levels of adaptivity (effective fine grid resolution is 192x1152,
148 cells per initial drop diameter).
Our results are in agreement with the experimental results from
R.H. Chen, C.T. Chen, Experiments in Fluids, volume 41, p. 453-461 (2006).
We capture the correct transition point for reflexive separation.
Simulations are done in 3d axisymmetric (RZ) coordinate system.
(work with G. Li, Y. Lian, Y. Guo, M. Jemison, T. Helms, M. Arienti)
Numerical simulation of multiphase flow (click picture for animation):
Bending laminar liquid jet in
high speed gas cross-flow; velocity ratio 10:1, density ratio 1:1000.
Adaptive mesh refinement and Parallel computing. Base grid:
256x128x128 plus 3 levels of refinement.
(with M. Arienti (UTRC), V. Mihalef (Rutgers) , M. Soteriou (UTRC)).
Comparison with experiment, which is which!
More comparison with experiment; density ratio is 1:1000, velocity
ratio 10:1.
Bending turbulent liquid jet in high speed gas cross-flow; velocity ratio
7:1, density ratio 1:1000. Dynamic Adaptive mesh refinement and parallel
computing techniques are used to accelerate the simulation. This simulation
was carried out on a single 4 core computer.
Base grid 64x16x32 (symmetry assumed at y=0)
plus 4 levels of refinement. Simulation uses
the ``hybrid level set and volume constraint'' method for representing and
updating the gas/liquid interface. The maximum grid size allowed is 16,
and the blocking factor is 4. At t=0, there are 88 grids on the finest
level containing 161856 cells. At t=1.2 ms, there are 993 grids on the finest
level containing 1486656 cells. The pressure projection step consumes
2.1E-5 seconds per cell at t=0 and 3.5E-5 seconds per cell at t=1.2.
(with Y. Wang, S. Simakhina, A. Duffy, X. Li (UTRC), H. Gao (UTRC),
M. Soteriou (UTRC)).
Illustration of hierarchical grid structure at t=1.2, gas/liquid interface,
and velocity along the y=0 slice.
Animation of turbulent jet in a cross flow time up to 1.30ms.
(animation is the concatenation of 4 parts)
Numerical simulation of flow past an animated North America Right Whale
(click picture for animation). Two levels of adaptivity. This is
work with Anna McGregor, Dr. Ross McGregor, Dr. Doug Nowacek from the
Duke Marine
Labs, Austen Duffy (graduate student, Florida State applied math), and
Dr. Gorden Erlebacher (Florida State, Department of Scientific Computing).
Numerical simulation of droplet formation in a T-junction
(click picture for animation). Continuous phase
fluid travels 10 times faster than the "droplet" fluid. Square cross
section 1E-4 cm^2. Effective fine grid resolution: 256x64x32.
Contact angle: 135 degrees.
Size of the droplets consistently have an effective diameter of 0.011cm
which is in agreement with experiment and simulation reported by
van der Graaf et al, Langmuir 2006, 22(9), 4144-4152 (continuous
phase flow rate v_max=8.3cm/s). This work with
Dr. Austen Duffy (recent PhD, Florida State applied math), and
Dr. Michael Roper (Florida State, Department of chemistry and biochemistry).
Numerical simulation of droplet formation in a head-on microfluidic device
(click picture for animation). Continuous phase
fluid (water) enters from the bottom (Q=0.05 micro-liter/min) and dispersed
phase fluid (oil) enters from the top (Q=0.1 micro-liter/min). Channel height
is 10 microns and channel width is 30 microns. Contact angle is prescribed
at 135 degrees. The numerical algorithm predicts a droplet length of
162 microns. Experiments from Figure 7 of Shui et al (Lab on a chip, 2009)
show droplets with length 143 microns.
Effective fine grid resolution: 128x32x4.
This work with
Dr. Austen Duffy (recent PhD, Florida State applied math),
Matt Jemison (PhD student, Florida State applied math) and
Dr. Michael Roper (Florida State, Department of chemistry and biochemistry).
Numerical simulation together with experiments (conducted in M. Ropers' lab)
for droplet formation in a T-junction
(click picture for animation). Continuous phase
fluid (oil) enters from the left (Q=1.3 micro-liter/min) and dispersed
phase fluid (water) enters from the top (Q=0.3 micro-liter/min).
The channel has a trapezoidal cross
section with dimensions close to 185 microns wide by 37 microns high.
The contact angle is prescribed at 135 degrees. The numerical
algorithm predicts a droplet length of 415 microns. Experiments show
a droplet length of 444 microns. Effective fine grid resolution: 128x64x4.
This work with
Dr. Austen Duffy (recent PhD, Florida State applied math), and
Dr. Michael Roper (Florida State, Department of chemistry and biochemistry).
Numerical simulation of vortex rings of a heavy drop falling in
a viscous liquid. Simulations agree with experiments
reported by Baumann, Joseph, Mohr and Renardy, Phys. of Fluids A,
volume 4, p. 567-580 (1992)!
(with M. Ohta, Y. Akama, and Y. Yoshida
(Muroran Institute of Technology))
Numerical simulation of unstable light drops rising in a viscous liquid.
Simulations agree with experiments!
(with M. Ohta, Y. Akama, Y. Yoshida
(Muroran Institute of Technology))
Morton number=0.2, Eotvos number=52.8
Morton number=0.0002, Eotvos number=19.2
Morton number=0.0002, Eotvos number=21.8
Morton number=0.0002, Eotvos number=22.9
Morton number=2.2, Eotvos number=70.1
Numerical simulation of multiphase flow: Animation and Control of
Breaking Waves (with V. Mihalef and D. Metaxas, Rutgers)
Numerical simulation of multiphase flow (click picture for animation):
Boiling and solid-fluid interaction
(with V. Mihalef, S. Kadioglu, B. Unlusu, D. Metaxas, M.Y. Hussaini)
For this boiling movie, the temperature of the solid changes from hot to
cold (click picture for animation).
Numerical simulation of multiphase flow
(click picture for animation): solid-fluid interaction,
contact line dynamics
(with V. Mihalef, S. Kadioglu, D. Metaxas)
Numerical simulation of multiphase flow
(click picture for animation): solid-fluid interaction
(with V. Mihalef, S. Kadioglu, D. Metaxas)
Numerical simulation of multiphase flow
(click picture for animation): solid-fluid interaction
(with V. Mihalef, S. Kadioglu, D. Metaxas)
Numerical simulation of multiphase flow
(click picture for animation): underwater explosion,
shock waves and solid-fluid interaction
(with S. Kadioglu, D. Rubin, J. Wright)
Numerical simulation of multiphase flow
(click picture for animation): underwater explosion,
shock waves and cavitation effects
(with S. Kadioglu, D. Rubin, J. Wright)
Numerical simulation of multiphase flow
(click pictures for animation): underwater implosion,
shock waves and solid-fluid interaction
(with S. Kadioglu, D. Rubin, J. Wright)
Implosion with endcaps included... (click for animation)
Numerical simulation of multiphase flow (click for animation):
milk-drop simulation
(with V. Mihalef, D. Metaxas, E. Jimenez)
Numerical simulation of multiphase flow: computation of ship waves
(with D. Dommermuth; visualized by K. Beason, CS)
Click here for more Movies of flow around a DDG 5415 Navy Ship. Visualization
generated by Kevin Beason, CS department
Numerical simulation of multiphase flow: computation of
microscale jetting in ink-jet device
(with E.G. Puckett and J. Andrews)
Numerical simulation of multiphase flow: non-newtonian (Oldroyd-B) bubbles
(with M. Ohta)

Numerical simulation of multiphase flow: wobbly bubble
(with M. Ohta)
List of Publications, available preprints, available source code
Journal of Computational Physics (JCP) electronic submission system.
Links to others ...
VISIT (adaptive visualization tool)
Center for Computational Sciences and Engineering,
Adaptive mesh methods (LBNL)
Applied Numerical Algorithms Group at LBNL (ANAG); Adaptive mesh
methods, fluid/structure interaction
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL); Computational Science.
UINTAH multiscale and multiphysics infrastructure for high performance
computing systems.
Structured Adaptive Mesh Refinement Application Infrastructure, LLNL
UCLA Computational and Applied Math (CAM) reports.
Professor Stan Osher, level sets, shock capturing, image processing.
Professor Gerry Puckett, Free Surface modeling of jetting devices.
Google's self driving car.
Peter Mucha - Networks (evolutionary prisoner's dilemma, Community
Structure, Medicine, and the Brain.)
Andrew Sommese, Professor Emeritus, Department of Applied and Computational Mathematics and Statistics, University of Notre Dame. Numerical Algebraic Geometry, Homotopy Continuation Method.
Human Longevity INC. Human Genomics, Microbiome, and Stem Cell Therapies.
Aptina imaging.
SUSTAIN: SUrge-STructure-Atmosphere INteraction Facility
Arete Associates; remote sensing solutions.
CFD Research Corporation (CFDRC).
Weidlinger Associates, Applied science, structural integrity.
FARO 3D Measurement, Imaging and Realization Technology.
Ametek: manufactures electronic instruments and electromechanical
Exa corporation. Numerical analysis solutions for the aircraft and
automotive industry.
General Atomics: Energy, Defense, Transportation, Unmanned
Aircraft Systems.
DynaFlow INC, Multimaterial flow simulation - Research and development.
Cavitation phenomena.
AMTEC Modeling and Simulation: Missile systems, UAV/UGV ground systems,
and more...
Tesla careers
Makani Power (now part of google): airborne wind power technology
ADINA - Numerical tools for analysis of fluid-structure interaction
phenonmena (Automatic Dynamic Incremental Nonlinear Analysis)
Citilabs, traffic flow analysis.
SINTEF: Enabling Low-Emission LNG Systems
Professor Gabriel Weymouth. Nonlinear fluid/structure interactions,
High energy breaking waves and air entrainment. "Lily Pad": interactive
solid/fluid interaction code. Burst speed underwater vehicle inspired
by the Octopus! Flapping Tidal Energy Generator!
Professor Bernhard Muller. CFD applied multiphase flow, fluid structure
interaction, computational aeroacoustics, computational thermoacoustics,
and low mach number flow
Professor Marilena Greco. Marine Hydrodynamics, CFD,
nonlinear free-surface and multiphase flows,
fluid-structure interaction, hydroelasticity.
Professor Gang Chen. Land use and climate change,
water flow and physicochemical reactions in the porous media,
environmental biotechnology, and surface chemistry.
Dr. Michel Bergmann. CFD applied multiphase flow, fluid structure
interaction, self propelled swimmers, ship hydrodynamics.
Professor Nicholas Zabaras. Computational Science and Engineering
Laboratory. Applied and basis research in the interface of
computational mathematics, scientific computing, and materials.
Professor Yabe, Magnesium Civilization - ultimate renewable energy cycle,
CIP method, Computational Physics, laser experiments.
Professor Xiao, Laboratory, CFD, Ocean/Atmosphere Simulations.
Dr. Kensuke Yokoi, Blood flow, Contact angle dynamics, splashing,
Professor Mitsuhiro Ohta, Fluids Engineering Laboratory, Tokushima
Professor Yongsheng Lian, Computational Thermi-Fluid Laboratory,
University of Louisville.
Professor Qinghai Zhang, School of
Mathematical Sciences, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China,
numerical methods for deforming boundary problems,
multiphase/multiphysics flows, mathematical biology.
Professor John Lowengrub, Center for Computational Microstructure,
tumor growth, crystal growth,..
Professor Paul Yager, Microfluidics research
Professor Shelley Anna, microfluidics, interfacial fluid mechanics, surfactant transport
Professor Patricia McGuiggan, Adhesion, Friction, Wetting, Interfacial forces ...
Radhakrishnan Lab, Intracellular trafficking, computational structural
biology, insilico oncology, targeted drug delivery
Brady Group, California Institute of Technology, Stokesian Dynamics,
Complex fluids, interface between continuum mechanics and statistical
Golestanian Group, Oxford Physics, Condensed matter theory,
soft and biological matter, microswimmers, stochastic swimmers
Professor Paul Atzberger, soft materials and complex fluids, molecular
biology, microfluidic and nanofluidic devices
Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces
Professor Reinihard Lipowsky, Membranes and Vesicles, Interfacial
Phenomena, Lines and Surfaces, Max Planck Institute
Professor John Bush, Geomphysical and Environmental Fluid Dynamics,
Surface Tension-driven Phenomena, Biofluidynamics
Dr. Junseok Kim, phase field methods, adaptive Cahn-Hilliard methods.
Professor Ron Fedkiw, Level Sets, Computer animation, CFD.
Professor Joseph M. Teran, virtual surgery, computational biomechanics,
multimaterial interaction.
Doug James, computer graphics, physically based animation,
physically based sound rendering, haptic rendering, scientific computing
(e.g. reduced order modeling algorithms)
Farhat Research group, aeroelasticity, fluid structure interaction,
underwater explosions and implosions, underwater acoustics.
Dr. Mikhail Shashkov, LANL X-div, Moment of fluid, Remap, Mimetic methods
Consortium for advanced simulation of light water reactors (CASL)
Consortium for advanced research on transport of hydrocarbon in the
environment (CARTHE)
Professor Thierry Coupez, Center for Material Forming,
CEMEF-MINES ParisTech, injection molding,
anistropic mesh refinement
Professor Frederic Gibou, Materials Science, Image Segmentation, CFD.
Dr. M. Bussmann, spray based processes, particle deposition and coating
processes, control of boiler fouling, wetting and dewetting
Professor Marco Picasso, Newtonian and Non-Newtonian free surface flow
James Weir Fluids Laboratory, University of Strathclyde
Professor Tim Colonius, Cavitation and bubble dynamics in Shockwave Lithotripsy
Professor Greg Turk, Computer animation, contact line dynamics, solid fluid interaction.
Professor Suresh Menon, Georgia Tech. Computational Combustion Lab.
Professor Haibo Dong, University of Virginia. The secrets of Dragonfly
Professor James O'Brien, Computer animation and modeling.
Professor Zoran Popovic, animation and control.
Dr. Stephane Popinet, National Institue of water and atmospheric research,
Wellington, New Zealand.
Dr. Viorel Mihalef, Computer animation, solid fluid interaction.
Professor Gretar Tryggvason, multiphase flow: bubbles, drops, sprays.
Professor J.A. Sethian, level set methods, fast marching methods, tumor modeling.
Professor Jonathan Shewchuk, Computational Geometry, ground motion in large
basins during strong earthquakes.
Professor Stephen Wise, Tumor modeling.
Professor Stephane Zaleski, Numerical simulations of multi-phase flow.
Professor Arnold Reusken, Numerical simulations of multi-phase flow.
Professor Marsha Berger, 3d Cartesian grid methods for embedded boundaries.
Professor Leslie Greengard, fast multipole method.
Dr. Bjorn Sjogreen, CASC-LLNL, shock capturing methods, high order accurate
finite difference methods.
Lecture notes developed by Dr. Bjorn Sjogreen
Dr. Bill Henshaw, CASC-LLNL, overlapping grids+AMR. Twilight zone method.
Aerojet: Company develops missile and space propulsion devices.
ESI group, crash safety simulations.
Dassault Systems: simulate cataract surgery, aerospace, automobile,
predict drag on ships towing icebergs,...
Dr. Michael Frank, Sandia, Reversible Computing
NASA Quantum Computing Workshop
Dr. Dave Bacon: Lecture notes on Quantum Computing
FLUENT, CFD tools.
Cognitech, image restoration tools.
Professor John Stockie, Fuel cells, pulp fibers.
Molecular dynamics, crack propagation.
Professor Charles Peskin, Blood circulation and the heart.
Professor John Strain, Tree Based redistancing.
Professor Li-Tien Cheng, research on biomolecules, wave propagation,
materials science, and image processing.
Professor Bin Dong, research on wavelets, optimization (compressed
sensing), inverse problems and medical imaging, image processing and
Professor Steve Ruuth, PDEs on surfaces, segmentation on surfaces.
Professor Isaac Ginis, Hurricane tracking, coupled ocean atmosphere modeling.
Professor M.Y. Hussaini, Computational Science and Engineering.
SAIC, Numerical Flow Analysis Tool. Planing boat!
National Maritime Research Institute, CFD.
Deep water Engineering Research Center, Harbin Engineering University.
Institute of Aerospace Thermodynamics - droplet dynamics, jet break-up,
Artium Technologies - Spray diagnostics, particulate monitoring, cloud
research - aircraft icing and cloud droplet measurements.
School of Physics, Astronomy and Computational Sciences,
George Mason University.
Italian Ship Model Basin (INSEAN).
Center for Turbulence Research
Group for Research and Applications in Statistical Physics (GRASP)
Professor Alain Berlemont, director of research for droplets and sprays at CORIA
Professor Osman Basaran, Reilly Professor of Fluid Mechanics, Purdue:
surfactant effects, electro-separation, microfluidics, drops
Professor Alexander Oron, Associate Professor Technion:
free boundary problems in hydrodynamics, instabilities of thin liquid films
Professor Nikiforakis, The laboratory of computational dynamics,
Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics,
University of Cambridge
Professor Changhong Hu, research on water waves and floating bodies
CSIRO manufacturating and infrastructure technology
"Why do Math?" web site! Medicine, Engineering, and many more examples
PETSc homepage; parallel libraries for solving PDEs
Overture: Object-oriented tools for solving PDEs in complex geometries
COMSOL unifying multiphysics simulation environment
Autodesk - CAD/CAM design software, 3D printing. Fire simulation and more!
Professor Randall J. LeVeque Books and Lecture Notes
Please send any comments, questions or requests for more information
to me at
CODE.ORG great resource for learning how to program
CODECADEMY great resource for learning how to program
DISLIN scientific plotting software library - very powerful!
NCAR graphics
CYGWIN installation homepage
UWIN homepage
ECLIPSE - FREE IDEs for C++ and other languages
Tutorial for GIT version control program
Stanford free online course on machine learning
C++ tutorial
SEI CERT C++ Coding Standard: Rules for Developing Safe, Reliable, and Secure Systems in C++ (2016 Edition)
Fortran tutorial
Free Fortran for Windows + Fortran Documentation
Scientific Tools for Python
Pictures from trip to Muroran, Japan (2006)
online dictionary.
online Thesaurus.
Growing Citrus fruits in Tallahassee (Satsuma Orange,
Kumquats, Calamondin Orange
Live dynamic wind map everywhere on the globe!
Tallahassee Morcom Aquatic Center.
Tomahawk Diving: Learn to dive from 1 or 3 meter springboards and up to
10 meter platforms.
Tallahassee windsurfing club (Shell Point Sailboard Club SPSC)
Shell point shore based tower Station SHPF1
Shell point tides (tides4fishing)
Shell point tides (tideschart)
NOAA Tallahassee Regional Airport weather observations
Courtesy FSU EOAS
Arctic Sea Ice News
NOAA weather forecast and history
El nino southern oscillation (ENSO) outlook
An introduction to the El Nino Southern Oscillation
Negative versus Positive Lightning strikes
Hannah Park
Fernandina beach surf report (pipeline surfshop)
New Smyrna Beach Daily Surf Report
St. Augustine Surf Report
Mr. Surf's Panama City Surf Report
Fluid Surf Shop Fort Walton Beach Surf Report
Innerlight Surf Shop Pensacola Surf Report
Storm Surf predictions (buoy 41012 for Saint Augustine)
St George Island Surf Cam
Intel Higher Education Professor Programs
IBM's Brain-Inspired Computer Chip Comes from the Future (IEEE Spectrum)
Research opportunities: Defense Threat Reduction Agency (recent announcement)
Research opportunities: Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate
Research opportunities: Department of Energy Office of Science
Research opportunities: Office of Naval Research
Research opportunities: DESI "Laser-Powered Bat Drones"
Research opportunities: Army Research Laboratory
Research opportunities: Air Force Office of Scientific Research
Research opportunities: National Science Foundation
Research opportunities: Simons Fellows Program
Research opportunities: National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Research opportunities: National Institutes of Health
Research opportunities: Petroleum Research Fund
Research opportunities: W.M. Keck Foundation
Research opportunities: Chan Zuckerberg Initiative
Four properties of powerful teachers (Chronical of higher education)