Groups Rings and Vector Spaces II, MAT5308, Spring 2002.
Location: 104 LOV
Time: Tuesday, Thursday 9:30-10:45
Instructor: Dr. Mark van Hoeij
- e-mail:
- URL:
- Office: No longer in 105B LOV, I moved to 211 LOV.
- Office hours: Monday, Wednesday, Friday 9:00-10:00.
Tuesday, Thursday: 11:00-11:30. You are welcome during other hours as well.
Text: Abstract Algebra, 2nd edition, by David Dummit
and Richard Foote.
Prerequisites: MAS4302/4303 and MAT5307, or the consent of the instructor.
If you are not sure, please contact me by e-mail.
There will be three tests during the semester, and one final test.
Each of these four tests will account for 25% of the final grade.
Homework will be collected and can be used to increase your lowest test score: if the
homework grade is higher than your lowest test score,
this test score will be replaced by the average of the two. This
way the homework can account for half of one test, i.e. 12.5% of the final grade.
Exam policy: There will be no makeup tests or quizzes.
A missed test can only be excused before the day of the test, and you
will need a good reason with proof.
When a missed test is excused, the grade of the test will be the same as the
grade on your final.
A missed test will not be excused on or after the day of the test, and a non-excused
missed test means zero points.
Course objectives:
This is the first of a two semester graduate algebra course.
This semester will cover part of chapters 7-14 of the textbook.
Students should be able to understand the material abstractly, as well as be able to
apply it in concrete situations.
honor code:
A copy of the University Academic Honor Code can be found in the current Student Handbook. You are bound by this in all of your
academic work. It is based on the premise that each student has the responsibility 1) to uphold the highest standards of academic
integrity in the student's own work, 2) to refuse to tolerate violations of academic integrity in the University community, and 3)
to foster a
high sense of integrity and social responsibility on the part of the University community. You have successfully completed many
mathematics courses and know that on a "test" you may not give or receive any help from a person or written material except as
specifically designed acceptable. Out of class you are encouraged to work together on assignments but plagiarizing of the work of others
or study manuals is academically dishonest.
Students with disabilities needing academic accommodations should: 1) register with and provide documentation to the Student Disability
Resource Center (SDRC); 2) bring a letter to the instructor from SDRC indicating you need academic accommodations. This should be
done within the first week of class. This and other class materials are available in alternative format upon request.