################################################################## To generate solutions (E1, E2, I1, I2), run main_dde23 Hierarchy of the codes: main_dde23 J rhs hill history rhs_heavi heavi ################################################################## To generate bifurcation diagrams, you need to install Biftool. You should also change the path for Biftool so that it matches where you install the package. Run main_N_all to get the diagram for length. Run main_wE_all to get the diagram for wE. Run main_rhobulkK_all to get the diagram for \rho_{K,bulk}. main_save_data_1par requires you to create folders first for the data to be saved. You need to change the path in it to your own path. Hierarchy of the codes: main_N_all main_init biftool rhs sys_tau main_setup_first_fixed_pt J rhs_dde23 history main_initialize_branch main_cont_branch main_plot_bf main_extract_freq_amp main_save_data_1par ################################################################### To get time evolutions of I1, X, Y, run main_X Hierarchy of the codes: main_X J rhs_X hill cal_delays_X history_X