The SongSeq software package for the analysis of birdsong

The computer sofware, SongSeq v1.1, is for the analysis of birdsong, as described in Journal of Neuroscience Methods, vol. 210, pp. 147-160, 2012.

Installation instructions:

1. SongSeq is written in the Java programming languare, and to run it the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) must be installed on the computer. JRE is frequently updated on Java's website, but any version of it will run SongSeq. The latest version of JRE can be downloaded from ( or you can download the latest version by clicking here.

2. Downlad SongSeq as a zipped file by clicking here. Unzip it to the folder "SongSeq".

3. Move the unzipped folder "SongSeq" under the C:/ directory or some other directory that will be safe from accidental file deletion (you don't want to accidentally delete an important file in the package).

4. Inside the folder "SongSeq" the file "SongSeq.bat" is the file that starts the software. Make a shortcut for "SongSeq.bat" on your Desktop (by right clicking on it, then pressing "Send to" > "Desktop (create shortcut)".

5. SongSeq is now installed and ready to use. Starting it simply requires double clicking on the shortcut link on your Desktop and you'll be ready to go (a command prompt window appears that you can close).

6. To download the user manual for SongSeq click here.

7. Important: SongSeq was written for use with SAP+, which has now been superseded by SAP 2011. If your data files are made with SAP 2011, then add 2 empty rows at the top of each of these files for compatability with SongSeq.


Click here for data files that were used in the HVC microlesion study demonstrated in the JNM paper.

This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 1146607. Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation (NSF).