Ph.D. students:
- Deborah Jones
Intersection numbers of divisors in graph varieties (2003)
- Dimitre Tzigantchev
Predegree polynomials of plane configurations in projective
space (2006)
- Judson Stryker
Chern-Schwartz-MacPherson classes of graph hypersurfaces and
Schubert varieties (2011)
- James Fullwood
On elliptic fibrations and F-theory compactifications of string
vacua (2012)
- Xia Liao
Chern classes of sheaves of logarithmic vector fields for free
divisors (2013)
- William Adams
Lagrangian Specialization via Log Resolutions and
Schwartz-MacPherson Chern Classes (2015)
- Corey Harris
Effective methods in intersection theory and combinatorial
algebraic geometry (2017)
- Xiping Zhang
Characteristic Classes and Local Invariants of Determinantal
Varieties and a Formula for Equivariant Chern-Schwartz-MacPherson
Classes of Hypersurfaces (2018)
- Grayson Jorgenson
Secant Indices, Duality Defect, and Generalizations of the
Segre Zeta Function (2020)
Doctoral students co-directed:
- Dan Li
Major professor: Matilde Marcolli
Motives of noncommutative tori and phase transitions on GL(N)
and Shimura varieties systems (2012)
- Yunyi Shen
Major professor: Matilde Marcolli
Periods and motives: applications in mathematical physics