@article {MR3415650, AUTHOR = {Aluffi, Paolo and Faber, Eleonore}, TITLE = {Chern classes of splayed intersections}, JOURNAL = {Canad. J. Math.}, FJOURNAL = {Canadian Journal of Mathematics. Journal Canadien de Math\'ematiques}, VOLUME = {67}, YEAR = {2015}, NUMBER = {6}, PAGES = {1201--1218}, ISSN = {0008-414X}, MRCLASS = {14C17 (14J17)}, MRNUMBER = {3415650}, MRREVIEWER = {Aigli Papantonopoulou}, DOI = {10.4153/CJM-2015-010-7}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org.proxy.lib.fsu.edu/10.4153/CJM-2015-010-7}, } @article {MR3294415, AUTHOR = {Aluffi, Paolo}, TITLE = {Log canonical threshold and {S}egre classes of monomial schemes}, JOURNAL = {Manuscripta Math.}, FJOURNAL = {Manuscripta Mathematica}, VOLUME = {146}, YEAR = {2015}, NUMBER = {1-2}, PAGES = {1--6}, ISSN = {0025-2611}, MRCLASS = {14B05 (14C17)}, MRNUMBER = {3294415}, MRREVIEWER = {Sergio Mathew Da Silva}, DOI = {10.1007/s00229-014-0686-6}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org.proxy.lib.fsu.edu/10.1007/s00229-014-0686-6}, } @incollection {MR3204960, AUTHOR = {Aluffi, Paolo}, TITLE = {Generalized {E}uler characteristics, graph hypersurfaces, and {F}eynman periods}, BOOKTITLE = {Geometric, algebraic and topological methods for quantum field theory}, PAGES = {95--136}, PUBLISHER = {World Sci. Publ., Hackensack, NJ}, YEAR = {2014}, MRCLASS = {18F30 (05C10 14C17 81Q30)}, MRNUMBER = {3204960}, MRREVIEWER = {Claudio Pedrini}, DOI = {10.1142/9789814460057_0003}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org.proxy.lib.fsu.edu/10.1142/9789814460057_0003}, } @article {MR3106736, AUTHOR = {Aluffi, Paolo and Faber, Eleonore}, TITLE = {Splayed divisors and their {C}hern classes}, JOURNAL = {J. Lond. Math. Soc. (2)}, FJOURNAL = {Journal of the London Mathematical Society. Second Series}, VOLUME = {88}, YEAR = {2013}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {563--579}, ISSN = {0024-6107}, MRCLASS = {14C20 (14C17 14J17 32S25)}, MRNUMBER = {3106736}, MRREVIEWER = {Dmitry Kerner}, DOI = {10.1112/jlms/jdt032}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org.proxy.lib.fsu.edu/10.1112/jlms/jdt032}, } @article {MR3070865, AUTHOR = {Aluffi, Paolo}, TITLE = {Segre classes of monomial schemes}, JOURNAL = {Electron. Res. Announc. Math. Sci.}, FJOURNAL = {Electronic Research Announcements in Mathematical Sciences}, VOLUME = {20}, YEAR = {2013}, PAGES = {55--70}, ISSN = {1935-9179}, MRCLASS = {14C17}, MRNUMBER = {3070865}, MRREVIEWER = {Shoji Yokura}, } @article {MR3031565, AUTHOR = {Aluffi, Paolo}, TITLE = {Euler characteristics of general linear sections and polynomial {C}hern classes}, JOURNAL = {Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo (2)}, FJOURNAL = {Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo. Second Series}, VOLUME = {62}, YEAR = {2013}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {3--26}, ISSN = {0009-725X}, MRCLASS = {14C17 (14E05 57R20)}, MRNUMBER = {3031565}, MRREVIEWER = {Harry Tamvakis}, DOI = {10.1007/s12215-013-0106-x}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org.proxy.lib.fsu.edu/10.1007/s12215-013-0106-x}, } @article {MR2996396, AUTHOR = {Aluffi, Paolo and Marcolli, Matilde}, TITLE = {A motivic approach to phase transitions in {P}otts models}, JOURNAL = {J. Geom. Phys.}, FJOURNAL = {Journal of Geometry and Physics}, VOLUME = {63}, YEAR = {2013}, PAGES = {6--31}, ISSN = {0393-0440}, CODEN = {JGPHE5}, MRCLASS = {82B26}, MRNUMBER = {2996396}, DOI = {10.1016/j.geomphys.2012.09.003}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org.proxy.lib.fsu.edu/10.1016/j.geomphys.2012.09.003}, } @article {MR3076849, AUTHOR = {Aluffi, Paolo}, TITLE = {Chern classes of graph hypersurfaces and deletion-contraction relations}, JOURNAL = {Mosc. Math. J.}, FJOURNAL = {Moscow Mathematical Journal}, VOLUME = {12}, YEAR = {2012}, NUMBER = {4}, PAGES = {671--700, 883}, ISSN = {1609-3321}, MRCLASS = {14C17 (05C75 81T18)}, MRNUMBER = {3076849}, MRREVIEWER = {Shoji Yokura}, } @article {MR2928931, AUTHOR = {Aluffi, Paolo}, TITLE = {Chern classes of free hypersurface arrangements}, JOURNAL = {J. Singul.}, FJOURNAL = {Journal of Singularities}, VOLUME = {5}, YEAR = {2012}, PAGES = {19--32}, ISSN = {1949-2006}, MRCLASS = {14C17 (14C20 32S22)}, MRNUMBER = {2928931}, MRREVIEWER = {Jean-Paul Brasselet}, } @article {MR3047491, AUTHOR = {Aluffi, Paolo}, TITLE = {Grothendieck classes and {C}hern classes of hyperplane arrangements}, JOURNAL = {Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN}, FJOURNAL = {International Mathematics Research Notices. IMRN}, YEAR = {2013}, NUMBER = {8}, PAGES = {1873--1900}, ISSN = {1073-7928}, MRCLASS = {14C17 (14N20 52C35 57R20)}, MRNUMBER = {3047491}, MRREVIEWER = {Harry Tamvakis}, } @article {MR3029334, AUTHOR = {Aluffi, Paolo}, TITLE = {Verdier specialization via weak factorization}, JOURNAL = {Ark. Mat.}, FJOURNAL = {Arkiv f\"or Matematik}, VOLUME = {51}, YEAR = {2013}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {1--28}, ISSN = {0004-2080}, MRCLASS = {14E15 (32S45)}, MRNUMBER = {3029334}, MRREVIEWER = {Tommaso De Fernex}, DOI = {10.1007/s11512-011-0164-2}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org.proxy.lib.fsu.edu/10.1007/s11512-011-0164-2}, } @incollection {MR2777815, AUTHOR = {Aluffi, Paolo and Marcolli, Matilde}, TITLE = {Feynman motives and deletion-contraction relations}, BOOKTITLE = {Topology of algebraic varieties and singularities}, SERIES = {Contemp. Math.}, VOLUME = {538}, PAGES = {21--64}, PUBLISHER = {Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI}, YEAR = {2011}, MRCLASS = {81Q30 (14C35 14F42 16T30 81T15)}, MRNUMBER = {2777815}, MRREVIEWER = {Ali Shojaei-Fard}, DOI = {10.1090/conm/538/10594}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org.proxy.lib.fsu.edu/10.1090/conm/538/10594}, } @article {MR2782886, AUTHOR = {Aluffi, Paolo and Marcolli, Matilde}, TITLE = {Algebro-geometric {F}eynman rules}, JOURNAL = {Int. J. Geom. Methods Mod. Phys.}, FJOURNAL = {International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics}, VOLUME = {8}, YEAR = {2011}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {203--237}, ISSN = {0219-8878}, MRCLASS = {81Q30 (14C15 14C35 19E99)}, MRNUMBER = {2782886}, MRREVIEWER = {Ali Shojaei-Fard}, DOI = {10.1142/S0219887811005099}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org.proxy.lib.fsu.edu/10.1142/S0219887811005099}, } @article {MR2775124, AUTHOR = {Aluffi, Paolo and Marcolli, Matilde}, TITLE = {Graph hypersurfaces and a dichotomy in the {G}rothendieck ring}, JOURNAL = {Lett. Math. Phys.}, FJOURNAL = {Letters in Mathematical Physics. A Journal for the Rapid Dissemination of Short Contributions in the Field of Mathematical Physics}, VOLUME = {95}, YEAR = {2011}, NUMBER = {3}, PAGES = {223--232}, ISSN = {0377-9017}, CODEN = {LMPHDY}, MRCLASS = {14C15 (14C35 14E08 16E20 81T15)}, MRNUMBER = {2775124}, MRREVIEWER = {Julien Sebag}, DOI = {10.1007/s11005-011-0461-5}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org.proxy.lib.fsu.edu/10.1007/s11005-011-0461-5}, } @article {MR2801414, AUTHOR = {Aluffi, Paolo and Marcolli, Matilde}, TITLE = {Parametric {F}eynman integrals and determinant hypersurfaces}, JOURNAL = {Adv. Theor. Math. Phys.}, FJOURNAL = {Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics}, VOLUME = {14}, YEAR = {2010}, NUMBER = {3}, PAGES = {911--963}, ISSN = {1095-0761}, MRCLASS = {81Q30 (14C15 14F42 81T15)}, MRNUMBER = {2801414}, MRREVIEWER = {Ali Shojaei-Fard}, URL = {http://projecteuclid.org.proxy.lib.fsu.edu/euclid.atmp/1309526470}, } @article {MR2672757, AUTHOR = {Aluffi, Paolo and Esole, Mboyo}, TITLE = {New orientifold weak coupling limits in {F}-theory}, JOURNAL = {J. High Energy Phys.}, FJOURNAL = {Journal of High Energy Physics}, YEAR = {2010}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {020, i, 52}, ISSN = {1029-8479}, MRCLASS = {81T30}, MRNUMBER = {2672757}, DOI = {10.1007/JHEP02(2010)020}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org.proxy.lib.fsu.edu/10.1007/JHEP02(2010)020}, } @article {MR2600139, AUTHOR = {Aluffi, Paolo}, TITLE = {Chern classes of blow-ups}, JOURNAL = {Math. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc.}, FJOURNAL = {Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society}, VOLUME = {148}, YEAR = {2010}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {227--242}, ISSN = {0305-0041}, CODEN = {MPCPCO}, MRCLASS = {14C15 (14E05)}, MRNUMBER = {2600139}, DOI = {10.1017/S0305004109990247}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S0305004109990247}, } @article {MR2495684, AUTHOR = {Aluffi, Paolo and Esole, Mboyo}, TITLE = {Chern class identities from tadpole matching in type {IIB} and {F}-theory}, JOURNAL = {J. High Energy Phys.}, FJOURNAL = {Journal of High Energy Physics. A SISSA Journal}, YEAR = {2009}, NUMBER = {3}, PAGES = {032, 29}, ISSN = {1126-6708}, MRCLASS = {81T30 (32Jxx)}, MRNUMBER = {MR2495684}, DOI = {10.1088/1126-6708/2009/03/032}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org.proxy.lib.fsu.edu/10.1088/1126-6708/2009/03/032}, } @article {MR2577661, AUTHOR = {Aluffi, Paolo and Faber, Carel}, TITLE = {Limits of {PGL}(3)-translates of plane curves. {II}}, JOURNAL = {J. Pure Appl. Algebra}, FJOURNAL = {Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra}, VOLUME = {214}, YEAR = {2010}, NUMBER = {5}, PAGES = {548--564}, ISSN = {0022-4049}, CODEN = {JPAAA2}, MRCLASS = {14H50 (14Lxx)}, MRNUMBER = {MR2577661}, DOI = {10.1016/j.jpaa.2009.06.012}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org.proxy.lib.fsu.edu/10.1016/j.jpaa.2009.06.012}, } @article {MR2577660, AUTHOR = {Aluffi, Paolo and Faber, Carel}, TITLE = {Limits of {PGL}(3)-translates of plane curves. {I}}, JOURNAL = {J. Pure Appl. Algebra}, FJOURNAL = {Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra}, VOLUME = {214}, YEAR = {2010}, NUMBER = {5}, PAGES = {526--547}, ISSN = {0022-4049}, CODEN = {JPAAA2}, MRCLASS = {14H50 (14Lxx)}, MRNUMBER = {MR2577660}, DOI = {10.1016/j.jpaa.2009.06.010}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org.proxy.lib.fsu.edu/10.1016/j.jpaa.2009.06.010}, } @book {MR2527940, AUTHOR = {Aluffi, Paolo}, TITLE = {Algebra: chapter 0}, SERIES = {Graduate Studies in Mathematics}, VOLUME = {104}, PUBLISHER = {American Mathematical Society}, ADDRESS = {Providence, RI}, YEAR = {2009}, PAGES = {xx+713}, ISBN = {978-0-8218-4781-7}, MRCLASS = {00-01 (12-01 13-01 20-01)}, MRNUMBER = {MR2527940}, } @article {MR2504753, AUTHOR = {Aluffi, Paolo and Marcolli, Matilde}, TITLE = {Feynman motives of banana graphs}, JOURNAL = {Commun. Number Theory Phys.}, FJOURNAL = {Communications in Number Theory and Physics}, VOLUME = {3}, YEAR = {2009}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {1--57}, ISSN = {1931-4523}, MRCLASS = {81Q30 (14C17 14C35 81R60 81T18)}, MRNUMBER = {MR2504753 (2010d:81109)}, MRREVIEWER = {Karen A. Yeats}, } @article {MR2448279, AUTHOR = {Aluffi, Paolo and Mihalcea, Leonardo Constantin}, TITLE = {Chern classes of {S}chubert cells and varieties}, JOURNAL = {J. Algebraic Geom.}, FJOURNAL = {Journal of Algebraic Geometry}, VOLUME = {18}, YEAR = {2009}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {63--100}, ISSN = {1056-3911}, MRCLASS = {14M15 (14C17 14N15)}, MRNUMBER = {MR2448279 (2009h:14086)}, MRREVIEWER = {Harry Tamvakis}, } @article {MR2415339, AUTHOR = {Aluffi, Paolo and Brasselet, Jean-Paul}, TITLE = {Une nouvelle preuve de la concordance des classes d\'efinies par {M}.-{H}. {S}chwartz et par {R}. {M}ac{P}herson}, JOURNAL = {Bull. Soc. Math. France}, FJOURNAL = {Bulletin de la Soci\'et\'e Math\'ematique de France}, VOLUME = {136}, YEAR = {2008}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {159--166}, ISSN = {0037-9484}, CODEN = {BSMFAA}, MRCLASS = {14C17 (32Sxx 57R20)}, MRNUMBER = {MR2415339}, } @incollection {MR2280127, AUTHOR = {Aluffi, Paolo}, TITLE = {Celestial integration, stringy invariants, and {C}hern-{S}chwartz-{M}ac{P}herson classes}, BOOKTITLE = {Real and complex singularities}, SERIES = {Trends Math.}, PAGES = {1--13}, PUBLISHER = {Birkh\"auser}, ADDRESS = {Basel}, YEAR = {2007}, MRCLASS = {14C17 (14F43)}, MRNUMBER = {MR2280127}, MRREVIEWER = {Thomas A. Nevins}, } @article {MR2282409, AUTHOR = {Aluffi, Paolo}, TITLE = {Limits of {C}how groups, and a new construction of {C}hern-{S}chwartz-{M}ac{P}herson classes}, JOURNAL = {Pure Appl. Math. Q.}, FJOURNAL = {Pure and Applied Mathematics Quarterly}, VOLUME = {2}, YEAR = {2006}, NUMBER = {4}, PAGES = {915--941}, ISSN = {1558-8599}, MRCLASS = {14C15}, MRNUMBER = {MR2282409}, } @article {MR2209219, AUTHOR = {Aluffi, Paolo}, TITLE = {Classes de {C}hern des vari\'et\'es singuli\`eres, revisit\'ees}, JOURNAL = {C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris}, FJOURNAL = {Comptes Rendus Math\'ematique. Acad\'emie des Sciences. Paris}, VOLUME = {342}, YEAR = {2006}, NUMBER = {6}, PAGES = {405--410}, ISSN = {1631-073X}, MRCLASS = {14C17}, MRNUMBER = {MR2209219}, } @article {MR2183846, AUTHOR = {Aluffi, Paolo}, TITLE = {Modification systems and integration in their {C}how groups}, JOURNAL = {Selecta Math. (N.S.)}, FJOURNAL = {Selecta Mathematica. New Series}, VOLUME = {11}, YEAR = {2005}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {155--202}, ISSN = {1022-1824}, CODEN = {SMATF6}, MRCLASS = {14C17 (14B05 14E15 32S45)}, MRNUMBER = {MR2183846 (2006k:14007)}, MRREVIEWER = {Tommaso De Fernex}, } @incollection {MR2143071, AUTHOR = {Aluffi, Paolo}, TITLE = {Characteristic classes of singular varieties}, BOOKTITLE = {Topics in cohomological studies of algebraic varieties}, SERIES = {Trends Math.}, PAGES = {1--32}, PUBLISHER = {Birkh\"auser}, ADDRESS = {Basel}, YEAR = {2005}, MRCLASS = {14C15}, MRNUMBER = {MR2143071}, } @article {MR2098642, AUTHOR = {Aluffi, Paolo}, TITLE = {Chern classes of birational varieties}, JOURNAL = {Int. Math. Res. Not.}, FJOURNAL = {International Mathematics Research Notices}, YEAR = {2004}, NUMBER = {63}, PAGES = {3367--3377}, ISSN = {1073-7928}, MRCLASS = {14C17 (14E05)}, MRNUMBER = {MR2098642 (2005h:14011)}, MRREVIEWER = {Claudio Pedrini}, } @article {MR2097164, AUTHOR = {Aluffi, Paolo}, TITLE = {Shadows of blow-up algebras}, JOURNAL = {Tohoku Math. J. (2)}, FJOURNAL = {The Tohoku Mathematical Journal. Second Series}, VOLUME = {56}, YEAR = {2004}, NUMBER = {4}, PAGES = {593--619}, ISSN = {0040-8735}, CODEN = {TOMJAM}, MRCLASS = {14C17 (13A30 14J17)}, MRNUMBER = {MR2097164}, } @article {MR2020555, AUTHOR = {Aluffi, Paolo and Brasselet, Jean-Paul}, TITLE = {Interpolation of characteristic classes of singular hypersurfaces}, JOURNAL = {Adv. Math.}, FJOURNAL = {Advances in Mathematics}, VOLUME = {180}, YEAR = {2003}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {692--704}, ISSN = {0001-8708}, CODEN = {ADMTA4}, MRCLASS = {14C17 (32S60 57R20)}, MRNUMBER = {MR2020555 (2004k:14011)}, MRREVIEWER = {Shoji Yokura}, } @incollection {MR1986112, AUTHOR = {Aluffi, Paolo}, TITLE = {Inclusion-exclusion and {S}egre classes. {II}}, BOOKTITLE = {Topics in algebraic and noncommutative geometry (Luminy/Annapolis, MD, 2001)}, SERIES = {Contemp. Math.}, VOLUME = {324}, PAGES = {51--61}, PUBLISHER = {Amer. Math. Soc.}, ADDRESS = {Providence, RI}, YEAR = {2003}, MRCLASS = {14C17 (14J17)}, MRNUMBER = {MR1986112 (2005d:14009)}, MRREVIEWER = {Susan J. Colley}, } @article {MR2007377, AUTHOR = {Aluffi, Paolo}, TITLE = {Inclusion-exclusion and {S}egre classes}, NOTE = {Special issue in honor of Steven L. Kleiman}, JOURNAL = {Comm. Algebra}, FJOURNAL = {Communications in Algebra}, VOLUME = {31}, YEAR = {2003}, NUMBER = {8}, PAGES = {3619--3630}, ISSN = {0092-7872}, CODEN = {COALDM}, MRCLASS = {14C17 (14J17)}, MRNUMBER = {MR2007377 (2004i:14007)}, MRREVIEWER = {Andreas Rosenschon}, } @article {MR1956868, AUTHOR = {Aluffi, Paolo}, TITLE = {Computing characteristic classes of projective schemes}, JOURNAL = {J. Symbolic Comput.}, FJOURNAL = {Journal of Symbolic Computation}, VOLUME = {35}, YEAR = {2003}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {3--19}, ISSN = {0747-7171}, MRCLASS = {14C17 (68W30)}, MRNUMBER = {MR1956868 (2004b:14007)}, MRREVIEWER = {Susan J. Colley}, } @incollection {MR1819626, AUTHOR = {Aluffi, Paolo}, TITLE = {Weighted {C}hern-{M}ather classes and {M}ilnor classes of hypersurfaces}, BOOKTITLE = {Singularities---Sapporo 1998}, SERIES = {Adv. Stud. Pure Math.}, VOLUME = {29}, PAGES = {1--20}, PUBLISHER = {Kinokuniya}, ADDRESS = {Tokyo}, YEAR = {2000}, MRCLASS = {14C17 (14J17 14J70)}, MRNUMBER = {MR1819626 (2002d:14008)}, MRREVIEWER = {Jos{\'e} Ignacio Burgos Gil}, } @article {MR1786478, AUTHOR = {Aluffi, Paolo and Faber, Carel}, TITLE = {Linear orbits of arbitrary plane curves}, NOTE = {Dedicated to William Fulton on the occasion of his 60th birthday}, JOURNAL = {Michigan Math. J.}, FJOURNAL = {The Michigan Mathematical Journal}, VOLUME = {48}, YEAR = {2000}, PAGES = {1--37}, ISSN = {0026-2285}, MRCLASS = {14N10 (14H50 14L30)}, MRNUMBER = {MR1786478 (2001h:14068)}, MRREVIEWER = {Holger Spielberg}, } @article {MR1780732, AUTHOR = {Aluffi, Paolo and Faber, Carel}, TITLE = {Plane curves with small linear orbits. {II}}, JOURNAL = {Internat. J. Math.}, FJOURNAL = {International Journal of Mathematics}, VOLUME = {11}, YEAR = {2000}, NUMBER = {5}, PAGES = {591--608}, ISSN = {0129-167X}, MRCLASS = {14N10 (05E05 14L30)}, MRNUMBER = {MR1780732 (2002d:14084)}, MRREVIEWER = {Gilberto Bini}, } @article {MR1762341, AUTHOR = {Aluffi, P. and Faber, C.}, TITLE = {Plane curves with small linear orbits. {I}}, JOURNAL = {Ann. Inst. Fourier (Grenoble)}, FJOURNAL = {Universit\'e de Grenoble. Annales de l'Institut Fourier}, VOLUME = {50}, YEAR = {2000}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {151--196}, ISSN = {0373-0956}, CODEN = {AIFUA7}, MRCLASS = {14N10 (14H50 14L30)}, MRNUMBER = {MR1762341 (2002d:14083)}, MRREVIEWER = {Gilberto Bini}, } @article {MR1717120, AUTHOR = {Aluffi, Paolo}, TITLE = {Differential forms with logarithmic poles and {C}hern-{S}chwartz-{M}ac{P}herson classes of singular varieties}, JOURNAL = {C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris S\'er. I Math.}, FJOURNAL = {Comptes Rendus de l'Acad\'emie des Sciences. S\'erie I. Math\'ematique}, VOLUME = {329}, YEAR = {1999}, NUMBER = {7}, PAGES = {619--624}, ISSN = {0764-4442}, CODEN = {CASMEI}, MRCLASS = {14C17 (14F10 32S60)}, MRNUMBER = {MR1717120 (2001d:14008)}, MRREVIEWER = {Susan J. Colley}, } @article {MR1697199, AUTHOR = {Aluffi, Paolo}, TITLE = {Chern classes for singular hypersurfaces}, JOURNAL = {Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.}, FJOURNAL = {Transactions of the American Mathematical Society}, VOLUME = {351}, YEAR = {1999}, NUMBER = {10}, PAGES = {3989--4026}, ISSN = {0002-9947}, CODEN = {TAMTAM}, MRCLASS = {14C17}, MRNUMBER = {MR1697199 (2001i:14009)}, MRREVIEWER = {Gary P. Kennedy}, } @article {MR1641591, AUTHOR = {Aluffi, Paolo}, TITLE = {Characteristic classes of discriminants and enumerative geometry}, JOURNAL = {Comm. Algebra}, FJOURNAL = {Communications in Algebra}, VOLUME = {26}, YEAR = {1998}, NUMBER = {10}, PAGES = {3165--3193}, ISSN = {0092-7872}, CODEN = {COALDM}, MRCLASS = {14N10}, MRNUMBER = {MR1641591 (99m:14103)}, MRREVIEWER = {Gary P. Kennedy}, } @book {MR1664633, TITLE = {Quantum cohomology at the {M}ittag-{L}effler {I}nstitute}, SERIES = {Appunti dei Corsi Tenuti da Docenti della Scuola. [Notes of Courses Given by Teachers at the School]}, EDITOR = {Aluffi, P.}, PUBLISHER = {Scuola Normale Superiore}, ADDRESS = {Pisa}, YEAR = {1997}, PAGES = {vi+163}, MRCLASS = {14-06 (14N10)}, MRNUMBER = {MR1664633 (99m:14002)}, MRREVIEWER = {Andreas Gathmann}, } @article {MR1369396, AUTHOR = {Aluffi, Paolo}, TITLE = {Singular schemes of hypersurfaces}, JOURNAL = {Duke Math. J.}, FJOURNAL = {Duke Mathematical Journal}, VOLUME = {80}, YEAR = {1995}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {325--351}, ISSN = {0012-7094}, CODEN = {DUMJAO}, MRCLASS = {14N05 (14C17)}, MRNUMBER = {MR1369396 (97b:14057)}, MRREVIEWER = {Claudio Pedrini}, } @article {MR1356583, AUTHOR = {Aluffi, Paolo}, TITLE = {A blow-up construction and graph coloring}, JOURNAL = {Discrete Math.}, FJOURNAL = {Discrete Mathematics}, VOLUME = {145}, YEAR = {1995}, NUMBER = {1-3}, PAGES = {11--35}, ISSN = {0012-365X}, CODEN = {DSMHA4}, MRCLASS = {05C15}, MRNUMBER = {MR1356583 (96h:05066)}, MRREVIEWER = {Ruth Bari}, } @article {MR1348792, AUTHOR = {Aluffi, Paolo and Faber, Carel}, TITLE = {A remark on the {C}hern class of a tensor product}, JOURNAL = {Manuscripta Math.}, FJOURNAL = {Manuscripta Mathematica}, VOLUME = {88}, YEAR = {1995}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {85--86}, ISSN = {0025-2611}, CODEN = {MSMHB2}, MRCLASS = {14C15}, MRNUMBER = {MR1348792 (96e:14002)}, } @article {MR1316973, AUTHOR = {Aluffi, Paolo}, TITLE = {Mac{P}herson's and {F}ulton's {C}hern classes of hypersurfaces}, JOURNAL = {Internat. Math. Res. Notices}, FJOURNAL = {International Mathematics Research Notices}, YEAR = {1994}, NUMBER = {11}, PAGES = {455ff., approx.\ 11 pp.\ (electronic)}, ISSN = {1073-7928}, MRCLASS = {14C15 (14C17 14J70)}, MRNUMBER = {MR1316973 (96d:14004)}, MRREVIEWER = {Ragni Piene}, } @article {MR1244973, AUTHOR = {Aluffi, Paolo and Faber, Carel}, TITLE = {Linear orbits of {$d$}-tuples of points in {${\bf P}\sp 1$}}, JOURNAL = {J. Reine Angew. Math.}, FJOURNAL = {Journal f\"ur die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik}, VOLUME = {445}, YEAR = {1993}, PAGES = {205--220}, ISSN = {0075-4102}, CODEN = {JRMAA8}, MRCLASS = {14L30}, MRNUMBER = {MR1244973 (94j:14044)}, MRREVIEWER = {Lucy Moser-Jauslin}, } @article {MR1206155, AUTHOR = {Aluffi, Paolo and Cukierman, Fernando}, TITLE = {Multiplicities of discriminants}, JOURNAL = {Manuscripta Math.}, FJOURNAL = {Manuscripta Mathematica}, VOLUME = {78}, YEAR = {1993}, NUMBER = {3}, PAGES = {245--258}, ISSN = {0025-2611}, CODEN = {MSMHB2}, MRCLASS = {14N05 (14B05 14C17)}, MRNUMBER = {MR1206155 (94d:14047)}, MRREVIEWER = {Ragni Piene}, } @article {MR1185610, AUTHOR = {Aluffi, Paolo and Faber, Carel}, TITLE = {Linear orbits of smooth plane curves}, JOURNAL = {J. Algebraic Geom.}, FJOURNAL = {Journal of Algebraic Geometry}, VOLUME = {2}, YEAR = {1993}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {155--184}, ISSN = {1056-3911}, MRCLASS = {14H10 (14N10)}, MRNUMBER = {MR1185610 (94e:14032)}, MRREVIEWER = {R. F. Lax}, } @article {MR1041042, AUTHOR = {Aluffi, Paolo}, TITLE = {Two characteristic numbers for smooth plane curves of any degree}, JOURNAL = {Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.}, FJOURNAL = {Transactions of the American Mathematical Society}, VOLUME = {329}, YEAR = {1992}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {73--96}, ISSN = {0002-9947}, CODEN = {TAMTAM}, MRCLASS = {14N10 (14C17)}, MRNUMBER = {MR1041042 (92e:14049)}, MRREVIEWER = {Gary P. Kennedy}, } @incollection {MR1143545, AUTHOR = {Aluffi, Paolo}, TITLE = {How many smooth plane cubics with given {$j$}-invariant are tangent to {$8$} lines in general position?}, BOOKTITLE = {Enumerative algebraic geometry (Copenhagen, 1989)}, SERIES = {Contemp. Math.}, VOLUME = {123}, PAGES = {15--29}, PUBLISHER = {Amer. Math. Soc.}, ADDRESS = {Providence, RI}, YEAR = {1991}, MRCLASS = {14N10 (14C17 14H45)}, MRNUMBER = {MR1143545 (93e:14063)}, MRREVIEWER = {Raquel Mallavibarrena}, } @article {MR1121424, AUTHOR = {Aluffi, Paolo}, TITLE = {Some characteristic numbers for nodal and cuspidal plane curves of any degree}, JOURNAL = {Manuscripta Math.}, FJOURNAL = {Manuscripta Mathematica}, VOLUME = {72}, YEAR = {1991}, NUMBER = {4}, PAGES = {425--444}, ISSN = {0025-2611}, CODEN = {MSMHB2}, MRCLASS = {14N10 (14H45)}, MRNUMBER = {MR1121424 (92m:14070)}, MRREVIEWER = {Susan J. Colley}, } @article {MR1103035, AUTHOR = {Aluffi, Paolo}, TITLE = {The enumerative geometry of plane cubics. {II}. {N}odal and cuspidal cubics}, JOURNAL = {Math. Ann.}, FJOURNAL = {Mathematische Annalen}, VOLUME = {289}, YEAR = {1991}, NUMBER = {4}, PAGES = {543--572}, ISSN = {0025-5831}, CODEN = {MAANA}, MRCLASS = {14N10 (14C17)}, MRNUMBER = {MR1103035 (92f:14055)}, MRREVIEWER = {Susan J. Colley}, } @article {MR972700, AUTHOR = {Aluffi, Paolo}, TITLE = {The enumerative geometry of plane cubics. {I}. {S}mooth cubics}, JOURNAL = {Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.}, FJOURNAL = {Transactions of the American Mathematical Society}, VOLUME = {317}, YEAR = {1990}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {501--539}, ISSN = {0002-9947}, CODEN = {TAMTAM}, MRCLASS = {14N10 (14C17)}, MRNUMBER = {MR972700 (90k:14058)}, MRREVIEWER = {Susan J. Colley}, } @incollection {MR951637, AUTHOR = {Aluffi, Paolo}, TITLE = {The characteristic numbers of smooth plane cubics}, BOOKTITLE = {Algebraic geometry (Sundance, UT, 1986)}, SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Math.}, VOLUME = {1311}, PAGES = {1--8}, PUBLISHER = {Springer}, ADDRESS = {Berlin}, YEAR = {1988}, MRCLASS = {14N10 (14H45)}, MRNUMBER = {MR951637 (90b:14066)}, MRREVIEWER = {Allen B. Altman}, }