Algebra and its Applications (Spring 2008)

Welcome to the Algebra and its Applications seminar home page, which has been copied from Ettore's old webpage!

The seminar is organized by Amod Agashe. Please email to contact me.


Jan 17 Jim Brown (Caltech) Congruences between automorphic forms and applications to arithmetic
Jan 24 Cristian Virdol (Columbia University) Points of twisted Shimura varieries of PEL type over finite fields
Jan 29 Michael Schein (Hebrew University of Jerusalem) Mod p representations of GL_n(F), where F is a p-adic field
Jan 30 Elisenda Feliu Higher arithmetic Chow groups
Jan 31 Bram Mesland (Max Plack Institut) Limit sets and noncommutative geometry
Feb 6 Bram Mesland (Max Plack Institut) Limit sets and noncommutative geometry II
Feb 13 Bram Mesland (Max Plack Institut) Limit sets and noncommutative geometry III
Feb 20 Yongjae Cha (FSU) Finding hypergeometric solutions of Linear Recurrence equations
Feb 27 Behrang Noohi (FSU) Fulton-MacPherson biinvariant theory
Mar 5 Ivan Dynov (Max Planck Institut) Representations of infinite-dimensional nilpotent groups and von Neumann algebras
Mar 26 Bram Mesland (Max Plack Institut) The noncommutative geometry of SL(2,Z)
April 2 Andy Novocin (FSU) Factoring Univariate Polynomials over the Rationals
April 9 Andy Novocin (FSU) Factoring Univariate Polynomials over the Rationals (thesis defense)


Jim Brown: Congruences between automorphic forms and applications to arithmetic

In 1976 Ribet published a proof of the converse of Herbrand's theorem. Though the result itself is an important result, the method of proof employed has far surpassed the result in terms of importance. We will review Ribet's proof and then see how it can be generalized to give results on Main Conjectures in Iwasawa Theory as well as provide lower bounds on Selmer groups attached to p-adic Galois representations.

Cristian Virdol: Points of twisted Shimura varieries of PEL type over finite fields

We count the cardinality of the sets of points of twisted Shimura varieties over finite fields and then we compute the zeta function of the twisted Shimura varieties. This result is a generalization of some famous papers of Kottwitz, and it is a part of the Langlands program.

Michael Schein: Mod p representations of GL_n(F), where F is a p-adic field

Let F be a finite extension of Q_p. About fifteen years ago, Barthel and Livne partially classified the irreducible mod p representations of GL_2(F). In particular, they found four mutually exclusive classes of such representations and classified three of them completely. In this talk, we will discuss what is known about the irreducible mod p representations of GL_n(F) and show that the problem of classifying them, analogously to the theory of complex representations of GL_n(F), reduces to that of classifying certain "supersingular" representations and that of classifying the constituents of parabolic inductions. All these notions will be explained in the talk. We will also sketch out the mod p local Langlands correspondence and mention the relevance of our results to understanding it.

Elisenda Feliu: Higher arithmetic Chow groups

We will give an alternative definition for the higher arithmetic Chow groups defined by Goncharov, which is suitable for quasi-projective arithmetic varieties over a field. These groups are the analog, in the Arakelov context, of the higher algebraic Chow groups defined by Bloch. The degree zero group agrees with the arithmetic Chow group of Burgos and Gillet-Soul. Our new construction is shown to be functorial and is endowed with a product structure. This work is part of the speaker's thesis entitled "On higher arithmetic intersection theory", under the supervision of Dr. J. I Burgos Gil.

Bram Mesland: Limit sets and noncommutative geometry

Click here for a pdf version of the abstract.

Rafael Torres: A lenient introduction to smooth 4-manifolds

Four dimensional topology hosts phenomena not present in any other dimension. For example, if an $n$-manifold admits infinitely many different (non-diffeomorphic) smooth structures then $n=4$. The talk reviews the basic topological invariants in order to point out the clash between the smooth and topological categories. Extra attention is set on an open 4-manifold of particular physical interest and its peculiar behavior.

Yongjae Cha, Finding hypergeometric solutions of Linear Recurrence equations

For first order difference equations, it is not hard to find a closed form solution in terms of Gamma functions. For difference equations of degree greater than 1, the question is how to decide if it has solutions that also satisfy a first order difference equation. Such solutions are called hypergeometric solutions. The goal of the talk is to find all hypergeometric solutions of linear difference equations with polynomial coefficients.

Rafael Torres: Exotic R^4's

An overview of the main features/distinctions of exotic $mathbb{R}^4$'s.

Ahmed Zainy al-Yasry: Khovanov Homology

The talk will give an introduction to Khovanov homology and its relation to the Jones polynomial.

Behrang Noohi: Fulton-MacPherson bivariant theory

A Fulton-MacPherson bivariant theory is a machinery that combines a (covariant) homology theory and a (contravariant) cohomology theory into one bivariant theory. The bivariant groups are associated to 'maps' and carry various structures (product, pull-back, push-forword). After defining bivariant theories, we consider the 'singular bivariant theory' for topological spaces which combines singular homology and singular cohomology. We show how certain standard constructions on singular (co)homology (e.g., cup/cap/slant products, Gysin maps, etc.) follow formally from the existence of the bivariant theory.

Ivan Dynov: Representations of infinite-dimensional nilpotent groups and von Neumann algebras

I will discuss analogues of regular representations of infinite-dimensional groups of upper triangular matrices, as studied by A. Kosyak. These representations generate von Neumann algebras, which are factors in certain cases. I will demonstrate that in the reducible case, the obtained factors are always of type III_1 (according to the classification of A. Connes).

Bram Mesland: The noncommutative geometry of SL(2,Z)

The group SL(2,Z) admits a well known action on the complex upper half plane, as well as an action on a tree. Both of them can be pushed to the respective limit sets, which admit a Patterson-Sullivan measure. There is an equivariant map relating the two actions. Using groupoids we propose a tentative framework for comparing the noncommutative geometry of these actions.

Andy Novocin: Factoring Univariate Polynomials over the Rationals

These talks will present an algorithm for factoring polynomials over the rationals which follows the approach of the van Hoeij algorithm. The key novelty in this approach is that it is set up in a way that will make it possible to prove a new complexity result for this algorithm which is asymptotically sharp. We also introduce a practical improvement to prior algorithms which we call early termination. Our algorithm actually performs better than prior algorithms in many common classes of polynomials (including irreducibles).