Rhythmic Secretion of Prolactin in Rats: Action of Oxytocin Coordinated by Vasoactive Intestinal Polypeptide of Suprachiasmatic Nucleus Origin
Marcel Egli, Richard Bertram, Michael T. Sellix, Marc E. Freeman
Endocrinology 145 (2004) 3386-3394
BibTeX entry:
@ARTICLE{bertram04b, AUTHOR = "M. Egli and R. Bertram and M. T. Sellix and M. E. Freeman", TITLE = "Rhythmic secretion of prolactin in rats: action of oxytocin coordinated by vasoactive intestinal polypeptide of suprachiasmatic nucleus origin", JOURNAL = "Endocrinology", YEAR = "2004", VOLUME = "145", SEARCHWD = "hypothalamus", FNUMBER = "", PAGES = "3386--3394"}